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Justice for Matt (Greyhound) - Update on Progress

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Try and stay on your bed Molly girl...three broken hocks and a broken back suffered by dogs in one meeting at Perry Barr on Friday. Anyone thinking of taking their animal loving kids for a 'fun' night at the dogs should be aware they could witness a fatal injury or extreme suffering.:mad:

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Try and stay on your bed Molly girl...three broken hocks and a broken back suffered by dogs in one meeting at Perry Barr on Friday. Anyone thinking of taking their animal loving kids for a 'fun' night at the dogs should be aware they could witness a fatal injury or extreme suffering.:mad:



there are family fun days at the races and the greyhounds...took a party of 31 to doncaster friday....kids loved it......life is a risk......could be worse...we could live in a place like syria....they love their animals...just don't treat their citizens well....molly will be back soon...fitter and better...

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Good job you went to Donny then instead of Perry Barr! Or would you be ok with your kids witnessing the horror of a fatally injured dog screaming in pain?



did you here it screaming...were you at perry barr....kids would be too busy playing...and the noise in the crowd would drown out one dogs misfortune...dont think too many kids were mentally scarred from watching live sport...you seen some of them games they play on x-box....

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So, the 'noise of the crowd' would be the yobs and neds that jeer when a dog falls?..good job for the kids eh? And no, I'm not familiar with Xbox games...but I bet if the games a kid was playing was real life then they would be scarred. Just cannot understand how you can be so blase about animal abuse? No wonder kids these days have no respect for anything..what about the teaching of values and caring about others and vulnerable creatures?

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So, the 'noise of the crowd' would be the yobs and neds that jeer when a dog falls?..good job for the kids eh? And no, I'm not familiar with Xbox games...but I bet if the games a kid was playing was real life then they would be scarred. Just cannot understand how you can be so blase about animal abuse? No wonder kids these days have no respect for anything..what about the teaching of values and caring about others and vulnerable creatures?


you will find the the racing industry is not classed as animal abuse......yobs do not attend the greyhounds...they live in squats and smash up tesco's...or throw paint at the police....

the sport loving punters are law abiding citizens....

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I beg to differ..in ever increasing numbers the sport IS seen as abuse. Yobs don't attend tracks?..what is a 'six-packer' then? It's someone who goes out on a Saturday night to get plastered, have a bet, laugh at the dogs that fall and knows sweet FA about the dogs. If they are lucky then can do all this on a 1p meal deal..[yes, thats how desperate the industry is to get people through the turnstile]. As for 'law abiding citizens'..well, the industry itself is rotten to the core with the administration of drugs to dogs, dogs 'disappearing', etc. Anyway 'eastbank', I suspect you are not a hardcore fan of racing..as a businessman you will see you are forever dipping into your pockets with Molly. Pray she stays safe..I wonder how you'd feel if the worst happened to her? Interesting thought...

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I beg to differ..in ever increasing numbers the sport IS seen as abuse. Yobs don't attend tracks?..what is a 'six-packer' then? It's someone who goes out on a Saturday night to get plastered, have a bet, laugh at the dogs that fall and knows sweet FA about the dogs. If they are lucky then can do all this on a 1p meal deal..[yes, thats how desperate the industry is to get people through the turnstile]. As for 'law abiding citizens'..well, the industry itself is rotten to the core with the administration of drugs to dogs, dogs 'disappearing', etc. Anyway 'eastbank', I suspect you are not a hardcore fan of racing..as a businessman you will see you are forever dipping into your pockets with Molly. Pray she stays safe..I wonder how you'd feel if the worst happened to her? Interesting thought...


yes molly is priceless...but i can see why people get involved....some trainers have dogs running seven days a week....if you have 30 dogs and they all get 2 runs...not including prize money...that amounts to about...£1,800...thats not a bad earner for a sport that is on its knees....the vast amount of revenue comes from the bookies....so the tickets and freebies that the public enjoy are subsidised by the likes of ladbrokes and william hills....you try booking a seat in the resturaunt on a friday or saturday...

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Two runs a week per dog!!! hilarious. Owners are leaving the sport in droves, at some tracks they are lucky to get one run a fortnight. Many dogs are now trainer owned [to keep up with their contract to supply BAGS dogs]. The Bookies are milking everyone involved dry. Even the Champion Trainer Mark Wallis cannot make ends meet [his own words] and he has the very best of dogs. No, the sport is dying ,thank goodness. As for the restaurant bookings ..well, speaks for itself, people are probably there for the food. Bet most of the patrons are oblivious to what is going on down on the track.

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Two runs a week per dog!!! hilarious. Owners are leaving the sport in droves, at some tracks they are lucky to get one run a fortnight. Many dogs are now trainer owned [to keep up with their contract to supply BAGS dogs]. The Bookies are milking everyone involved dry. Even the Champion Trainer Mark Wallis cannot make ends meet [his own words] and he has the very best of dogs. No, the sport is dying ,thank goodness. As for the restaurant bookings ..well, speaks for itself, people are probably there for the food. Bet most of the patrons are oblivious to what is going on down on the track.



owners may be...one trainer at owlerton has twelve dogs running tuesday....thats nearly four hundred in appearance money...he also races dogs on a mon/thur/fri/sat.....if he wasn't making money he wouldn't do it...how long they been racing at owlerton...well over 100 years...long may it continue....no people go for a good night out and enjoy the dogs...

we have got another night planned in june...for the matthew cryer trophy...shifted well over 200 tickets last time...nice earner for the lads trust..

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