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Justice for Matt (Greyhound) - Update on Progress

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Thought Belle Vue held the first race meeting in 1926? Anyway, I'm glad you are making a bit of money for Matthews trust..nobody else in racing is! In the 1990s seven US states banned racing..there will be many more. Many tracks in Britain are struggling to hold on. Well eastbank..much as I enjoy the banter with you got to take my 3 retireds [used, abused and dumped black bin bag fillers] out for a walk. Maybe you should try taking Molly home yourself and watch her personality develope, perhaps when you realise what gentle, loving dogs they are you will not want to be responsible for one going into the traps and risking death...

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Thought Belle Vue held the first race meeting in 1926? Anyway, I'm glad you are making a bit of money for Matthews trust..nobody else in racing is! In the 1990s seven US states banned racing..there will be many more. Many tracks in Britain are struggling to hold on. Well eastbank..much as I enjoy the banter with you got to take my 3 retireds [used, abused and dumped black bin bag fillers] out for a walk. Maybe you should try taking Molly home yourself and watch her personality develope, perhaps when you realise what gentle, loving dogs they are you will not want to be responsible for one going into the traps and risking death...



molly seems to be one of the lucky ones....she wont be racing til she drops...and wont see a bin liner....in the racing game the dogs are a commodity....get the most out of them..then move on to the next batch....its all about the money....if the powers that be thought it was cruel...they would move to the virtual racing..the one they use when the weather is bad....never win when the big boys are in control....there must be thousands like your three...wanting a home....but wont get one

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I'm not denying you are one of the better owners..sure you'll provide for your dog, as you should. Shame everyone isn't forced to do the same. Virtual racing is the future, people DO bet on it and thats all the bookies want. The powers that be will not ban racing outright as there would be a huge welfare issue [redundant dogs] and people without a livlihood. Better to let it die gradually. No point in arguing with you...do you read Greyhoundscene Forum? all gloom and doom on there..they know the sport is on it's last legs..and they are the ones who will know:)

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I'm not denying you are one of the better owners..sure you'll provide for your dog, as you should. Shame everyone isn't forced to do the same. Virtual racing is the future, people DO bet on it and thats all the bookies want. The powers that be will not ban racing outright as there would be a huge welfare issue [redundant dogs] and people without a livlihood. Better to let it die gradually. No point in arguing with you...do you read Greyhoundscene Forum? all gloom and doom on there..they know the sport is on it's last legs..and they are the ones who will know:)


maybe some tracks are run down....but owlerton provides jobs and incomes for staff, owners and trainers...also the owner has a casino on site...free admission for punters...virtual racing is ok...but you cannot beat the real thing...cannot really see it dying in my lifetime...maybe the kids coming through will swerve it but i doubt it...

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:D Feel for your Mrs...think you are one of those blokes who have to have the last word! Of course people need leisure facilities, just wish it did not compromise animal welfare. Where there is money there is muck..has the case been heard yet of the Owlerton trainer whose dog tested positive for cocaine? Disgusting. I'll be following Molly's career with interest and will break open the bubbly when she retires...if she does not break her back before then..
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:D Feel for your Mrs...think you are one of those blokes who have to have the last word! Of course people need leisure facilities, just wish it did not compromise animal welfare. Where there is money there is muck..has the case been heard yet of the Owlerton trainer whose dog tested positive for cocaine? Disgusting. I'll be following Molly's career with interest and will break open the bubbly when she retires...if she does not break her back before then..


always get the last word....trainer giving dogs coke....personally i do not do drugs...but know plenty who like a line of charlie.....dont think molly will break her back...how many races she had upto now....but once she retires...probably get a cheap dog to make me a bit of money....well it is a business...and profit is king....

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what has you not doing drugs got to do with people giving them to dogs?:confused:. Do you not agree that is scandalous? Looks like you are sidestepping the issue.



been told that giving charlie to dogs makes them run faster...wouldn't give it to molly...she prefers horse meat...

the rewards must be great...or the naughty trainers would not do it...he will get a slap on the wrist and told to behave...just like your neighbourhood burgalar....

its scandalous because he got caught and nothing will happen...dont athletes take drugs...ben johnson....got a couple of dogs lined up for a win this thursday...well it pays for the holiday...

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