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Justice for Matt (Greyhound) - Update on Progress

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No, it's not a sport. Can't post a link but the IGB and European rules now admit this. As for your trainer making a good living...no he won't be, no trainers are! The only thing your trainer has going for him is that his kennels are at the track so, unlike his counterparts he has no diesel costs getting to and from meetings. Have a word with Russ..he will tell you just how much the bookies are taking the p**s out of trainers and owners...and the REAL losers are the poor dogs....


we all know the bookies are coining it in...thats why they pump their money into the industry to keep it afloat....

if it relied on the punters paying through the door it would be dead...but on the other hand...come the weekend you try booking a table in the restaurant at owlerton...

don't care what the europeans say like the sport of kings, horse racing we in the country class greyhound racing as a sport...not a pastime...

as for the dogs...most are bred to race in this country or hare coursing in ireland...

our molly in two months will be well out of it....and so will i.....

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well justice for matt will run her last race on saturday 30th of june at owlerton stadium...

would like to thank all those that cheered on our molly over the past three years...but we feel her rabbit chasing days are over...

mind you might get her a field to chase some real ones....

tickets will be priced at a fiver...and for that you get entrance/race card/drink...

they will be on sale shortly at the birley hotel...

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  • 3 weeks later...

justice for matt...our molly has officially retired....home now in the pleasant surroundings of sheffield 12.....with the fields around full to bursting with proper rabbits....might get her a field all for herself....well done molly...you did us proud...

now enjoy a well deserved rest....happy days

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  • 4 months later...

justice for matt the greyhound (our molly) will be presenting a cheque to the greyhound trust on saturday 3rd of november....

owlerton stadium are hosting the matthew cryer memorial trophy....we have sold 130 tickets that the stadium have donated.....

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