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Henry's/City bar to re open?


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You appear to be letting the strength of the beer completely dictate your drinking habits. Whilst preferring strong beers is absolutely fine, "not bothering" because the beers are <5% seems strange. There are a lot of beers in this range with a plethora of 'taste'. Why don't you ask to taste a couple, or even three, before you dismiss them, rather than dismissing them so readily?


I go the other other way myself, I tend to go for the weaker beers rather then the strong stuff as I do want to be still standing by the end of the night!


Mind you, at least we have the choice. I for one don't take the likes of Thornbridge brewery for granted.

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You appear to be letting the strength of the beer completely dictate your drinking habits. Whilst preferring strong beers is absolutely fine, "not bothering" because the beers are <5% seems strange. There are a lot of beers in this range with a plethora of 'taste'. Why don't you ask to taste a couple, or even three, before you dismiss them, rather than dismissing them so readily?


I've tried hundreds of beers in the <5%, but in general I find those types of beers have less umph to them.


Every now again I do a blind beer knock out competition over a 6 month period. Last time I started with 64 different beers, many of them less than 5%, by the latter stages only one weaker beer (Fullers London Pride) made it through.


For the record Jaipur beat Fullers Golden Pride 4 - 0 in the final.


I'd rather have a night out drinking 5 or 6 pints of the stronger stuff, rather than glugging down gallons of tasteless weak beers.





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Weaker beers are best for a thirst, hot weather, the morning after (and the wallet!) but it's pretty much accepted that stronger beers = better taste. In the US and Belgium lower stength beers are the exception rather than the rule (though they do serve smaller measures).The high abv makes it so much easier for the brewer to add depth and complexity.


Personally I still take a good bar with decent staff and well-kept beer as opposed to the type/style/strength of the beer, but I can see where Doom is coming from.

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Weaker beers are best for a thirst, hot weather, the morning after (and the wallet!) but it's pretty much accepted that stronger beers = better taste. In the US and Belgium lower stength beers are the exception rather than the rule (though they do serve smaller measures).The high abv makes it so much easier for the brewer to add depth and complexity.


Personally I still take a good bar with decent staff and well-kept beer as opposed to the type/style/strength of the beer, but I can see where Doom is coming from.


I'm more likely to choose on the basis of the type of beer myself, being a fan of dark beers. Nothing wrong with a nice Mild!

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In case you haven't been down, Sheffield Tap have a 6.5%, a 7.3% and a 9% beer on at the moment, all from the Moor Brewery. Plus, I noticed they've got Meantime Porter (6.1%?) and the dark Sierra Nevada ale on keg.



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In case you haven't been down, Sheffield Tap have a 6.5%, a 7.3% and a 9% beer on at the moment, all from the Moor Brewery. Plus, I noticed they've got Meantime Porter (6.1%?) and the dark Sierra Nevada ale on keg.




I've been in but I couldn't justify £5 for the 9% beer so stuck with my old favourite.....Jaipur.


I've got myself a few bottles of American beers from the Dram Shop for the coming Bank Holiday weekend......A good film, a nice beer and an Indian......Sounds good to me.


Thanks for the heads up HJL.





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  • 3 weeks later...
thought it was up for demolition...if it goes ahead, the whole city refurb project must have been scrapped completely...HOORAY!!!!!! The Sportsman, Lions Lair, all those lovely old buildings inc the Casbah, will be SAVED!!!!



Couldn't agree more. By all means keep a Nothern Retail Quarter, but ask Sevenstone to design a scheme which keeps our lovely old buildings in situ.

Cambridge Street to Pinstone Street could become one of the best streets in the Sheffield. There's so much potential to conserve and develop what we have - keep the bulldozers out!!

Why not turn Leah's Yard into a smaller version of Orchard Square with small specialist shops inside. Would be great.

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