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Punk / metal bands from Sheff between 1986 - 1996

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Hello melthebell et al


I work in same building as Pat Hancock, and used to work with Dom Bradshaw although dont see him much these days. Not sure if Bendy Monsters are still a going concern.


For short while I used to play in bands in and around West street(rehearsal rooms just down from dole office) v.briefly, my mates were in 'Hole in the Wall'


I also used to play down at the 'Basement' at Darmall, where if you were skint, they'd let you practice there for nowt.

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Hello melthebell et al


I work in same building as Pat Hancock, and used to work with Dom Bradshaw although dont see him much these days. Not sure if Bendy Monsters are still a going concern.


For short while I used to play in bands in and around West street(rehearsal rooms just down from dole office) v.briefly, my mates were in 'Hole in the Wall'


I also used to play down at the 'Basement' at Darmall, where if you were skint, they'd let you practice there for nowt.



cool, i think the bendys are still there, well their website is, i just think theyre on longterm hibernation


i see you live at handsworth too, thats where dom and pat lived in the 90s anywayif i remember rightly


i think i still have doms email, but it might have changed recently, if you can let pat know about this thread / forum / me sean from school :)

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will do.


Pat and his crowd I think were Beaver Hill types I think, I was a Brookie.


n.b. should have mentioned my band days were early 80's upto about 85/86.


We used to rehearse at a place just off near Devonshire Green too, cant remember name of the place though- an old engineering works(now student flats).

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will do.


Pat and his crowd I think were Beaver Hill types I think, I was a Brookie.


n.b. should have mentioned my band days were early 80's upto about 85/86.


We used to rehearse at a place just off near Devonshire Green too, cant remember name of the place though- an old engineering works(now student flats).


yeah i went to beaver hill with pat, dom and jim herring


engineering works? ive heard of it cant quite remmeber the name, pete will lol

im sure loads of bands rehearsed there


media premonition did?

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As we played in thrown-together ad-hoc bands we'd rehearse where Mat(bass player) could find us a room. Think we used at Stag Works, and somewhere off Brammall Lane for a while. A lot of established bands rooms, when they weren't using them midweek etc.


There was another one we used once behind the Beehive used by the Mau-Mau's.


We also used a practice room regularly at Hillsborough Barracks and that was about 1987-ish.

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yeah i went to beaver hill with pat, dom and jim herring


engineering works? ive heard of it cant quite remmeber the name, pete will lol

im sure loads of bands rehearsed there


media premonition did?


I can only vaguely remember practicing somewhere round Devonshire Green - was it behind the Washington somewhere?


I think we mostly used the Mason's room down the Wicker.


I remember going to a play drums for a punk/skateboard band up some outdoor rickety old wooden stairs somewhere off West Street - I wasn't good enough though. The one bloke I can remember was Glen - and I met him doing hunt sabotage.

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