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Punk / metal bands from Sheff between 1986 - 1996

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Thanks MTB


.........now does anyone remeber that fella with a beard called Richard who used to photograph us? He was a mate of Smiffy (manager). Hes got some great pics but I have no idea what happened to him and some copies would be nice :D


The last time I heard from Pete (FCS) he sent me a 12" of something he was involved with called SLBC or summat like that around 1993/94 time.


Oh and if anyone does put the SLOPDOSH stuff on MP3 can I have a copy cos I dunno if I still have that tape which we did in October 1988 called 'Two Cartons of Yougurt and a Trumpet'.


Just to save any confusion as well, there was only ever one SLOPDOSH BOBBAR & IVAN CRUMP


Mixmif - vocals and sexual breathing

Dave 'beyond reach' Oates - Geetar

Tommy - Bass

Ral - other geetar

Mick - Drums


I saw a post where someone mentions the gig at Wath? That was a good gig. Didn't someone smash a door or something?


RE: The Bland

Another well recieved gig was supporting the Bland at Chesterfield Arts College. I know the first band got a slagging off in the papers for being **** which was bang out of order in our opinion even if they were :D


My personal favourite gig?


The Hallamshire Hotel in 1989. I think one of the bands was called 'ferrel' or summat like that? I know they had a bird who seemed a bit stuck up but she was well worth a jolly good rogering. Infact we only had 24 hours notice before we were due to play that gig and we was the first band on and it was said that the other bands were not keen on having us there because we had no manners and a sense of humour. Its was ****ing brilliant, the place was packed, Plug and John were keeping the crowds moving, we sounded good, the whole band were on top form. We went off and the place emptied, which ****** off the other band and the headline band even more, but we were polite and stayed till the end to make up the numbers :D This is one gig I'm not sure if there are any pictures of, if someone does have pictures from the HALLAMSHIRE gig in '89 can I see them? If your female I might even allow you to sleep with me before you hand them over if you like? :D:D:D

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Thanks MTB


.........now does anyone remeber that fella with a beard called Richard who used to photograph us? He was a mate of Smiffy (manager). Hes got some great pics but I have no idea what happened to him and some copies would be nice :D


The last time I heard from Pete (FCS) he sent me a 12" of something he was involved with called SLBC or summat like that around 1993/94 time.


Oh and if anyone does put the SLOPDOSH stuff on MP3 can I have a copy cos I dunno if I still have that tape which we did in October 1988 called 'Two Cartons of Yougurt and a Trumpet'.


Just to save any confusion as well, there was only ever one SLOPDOSH BOBBAR & IVAN CRUMP


Mixmif - vocals and sexual breathing

Dave 'beyond reach' Oates - Geetar

Tommy - Bass

Ral - other geetar

Mick - Drums


I saw a post where someone mentions the gig at Wath? That was a good gig. Didn't someone smash a door or something?


RE: The Bland

Another well recieved gig was supporting the Bland at Chesterfield Arts College. I know the first band got a slagging off in the papers for being **** which was bang out of order in our opinion even if they were :D


My personal favourite gig?


The Hallamshire Hotel in 1989. I think one of the bands was called 'ferrel' or summat like that? I know they had a bird who seemed a bit stuck up but she was well worth a jolly good rogering. Infact we only had 24 hours notice before we were due to play that gig and we was the first band on and it was said that the other bands were not keen on having us there because we had no manners and a sense of humour. Its was ****ing brilliant, the place was packed, Plug and John were keeping the crowds moving, we sounded good, the whole band were on top form. We went off and the place emptied, which ****** off the other band and the headline band even more, but we were polite and stayed till the end to make up the numbers :D This is one gig I'm not sure if there are any pictures of, if someone does have pictures from the HALLAMSHIRE gig in '89 can I see them? If your female I might even allow you to sleep with me before you hand them over if you like? :D:D:D


dont think i saw that hallamshire gig, however i saw conflict and the plague dogs at take 2 that year and theres a band indeed called feral. also saw them in 1990 again with the plague dogs

i have a book with most of the gigs i saw written down so i actually remember :P

looks like i saw slopdosh 6 times (just holler if you want details of date, venue and bands :P)


the 12" is by slbc psychoterrorism research unit, i have 1 too, could be the same 12"


i believe i still have slopdosh on tape somewhere, if i can dig it out i might record onto cd and then rip onto the puter :)



by the way tommy you know me


Sean (who had green mohican, later in dreads) from the peace gardens, fountain, lived with stevo and that at holtwood road for a bit

i believe we had a falling out once which lead to fisticuffs in the peace gardens :P


good to see you still about, upto much musically still?

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Shaun you ugly ****er, how you doing? Its been a long time mate. Don't think I ever came to 'fisticuffs' with you though??? Thats definately a new one on me, but I'm sure if we had you'd still be feeling it even today?;)


I was actually asking about you a while back but all I was told was you moved out of Sheffield a few years ago. Yeah you were DEFINATELY one of us. I have a pic somewhere of you at the front of the gig with Tadz and you turned up with the green hair wearing a flowery night shirt, I doubt you've ever seen the pic? Its not very clear but its enough for you and those who know you to agree it is you.....something I bet you would be more than happy to confirm anyway ya mad git :D Didn't you knock about with Smithy (from Rotherham) and Angela? I used to go out with Angie but I think Smithy was seeing her last time I heard? But thats going back about 15 years.


Tell you what Shaun it would be good to see you again mate. You was definately one of 'our lot'.

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BTW.......Tadz also did the backing vocals on 'Sunday Sport' he's the one making the authentic orgasm sounds towards the end of the song and I thought you were there as well? I can't speak for the rest of the band but if you could put a link up to a 'Sunday Sport' mp3 thats ok with me cos lets be fair theres alot of ladies out there who deserve it :D

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yeah i was smiffy all the time

and marmite andy and that


as far as i know i never went to any recordings

i do vaguely remember the gigs with the nightshirts :P



its stange, theres that many people on here from the peace gardens etc

you, me, i believe mixsmiff is, although we aint talked as yet, i talked to slopdosh daves ex missus (i believe) the other week, mohican stuart, froggys missus


i need to get down to sheff for a week, dunno when tho works abitch att he moment :( not been down for aaaaaaaaaages


i moved away in about 92 / 93

now seen terrorizing the countryside :)

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Theres nowt wrong with the countryside mate. Sheep worrying is still my second favourire thing.

talking of which, you see one of the macc lads died a while back?


the macc lads at the take 2 was prolly the fullest gig ive ever seen, the only way to move was via crowd surfing lol

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