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Punk / metal bands from Sheff between 1986 - 1996

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and how about some reminiscing for some of the more arcane venues? Rockwells (AKA The B-Hive) where the manager made us all sit in excruciating silence for forty five minutes while he played us Roy Chubby Brown, or upstairs at the Mail Coach? The take-your-life-in-your-hands electrics at the Hallamshire? The Take Two car park that looked an ideal venue for the Sopranos to whack someone? The Surrey Street Peace-Squat?


(tho I guess if you still live in Sheff' a lot of that isn't quite so nostalgic).


Just had a memory of the Nearly Band's one and only TV appearance. In true nearlies style, not the Oxford Road Show, or Something Else or The Tube... No...


Panorama, playing a Right to Work demo outside the Manpower building. I remember leading a 'chant of 'Maggie Maggie Maggie Out Out Out' and the huge crowd all joining in, as Mick leaned over to me and said 'Well that's brought the government down'.


After, I recall being approached by a very earnest chap from either the SWP or the RCP asking if we played benefits for political parties and Mick telling him 'For a crate of lager we'll play for the BNP mate'

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Lol Did I really say that?


You can't have been to sheff for a while Si, everything has gone. the city is very clean now but no proper pubs, atmosphere is completely different. we were even sad when they pulled the egg box down!


Just to move away from the nearly band love-in for a moment and along similar lines to Simon. Can anyone remember particularly good live performances from any of the bands mentioned.


My starter for ten is Midnight choir (gideon turtle era) at George 4th infirmary road. They opened the set with Dave Loukes alone up front strumming an A chord aimlessly for what seemed about 3 minutes at which point Dave let out a blood curdling YEEEEHAAAA and The Gillman and Magnus piled in with one of their mesmerising thunderously distorted riffs. Made me sit up and listen I can tell you


Oh and Pete you're not allowed to cite every single performance by FCS ever!


Sorry to hear about Jack Porter Si, You could only describe him as a lovely man.

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Oh God the wife's got involved and has pointed out that Pete Jackson's band were of course, the brilliantly named 'Beautiful North'


She also reminded me of One Stop The World and the wonderful Mysterons, who I once did backing vocals with for a night.


Top gigs for me woud be


almost any Midnight Choir gig when Dave was singing. He was a tragic loss. I actually preferred little Matty to Magnus on drums but there you go. I think overall, Dave's untimely demise notwithstanding, they were the group that should have made it - totally original and all with great individual strengths. Matty and Magnus were both great, Gilman's bass sound was terrifying, Mark was a truly inspired guitarist and Dave ranked close to true creative genius as both a lyricist and frontman.




The Extras reunion gig at the Leadmill


Dead By Friday at the Leadmill


FCS at the Hallamshire (I think supporting us, tho' not sure)


The Happening Men at the Leadmill


The Bland at Take Two (if only I hadn't lost that pool game)


and dare I add ourselves at the Yorkshire Arts Space? One of my personal faves...


I must drop Gilman a text and get him involved in this all misty-eyed palaver

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Can anyone remember who the third band were on the Dolebusters trip to Wales? There was us and the Detail and someone else... and the FCS naturally ran on after we'd headlined and did a set anyway, i think with Lou singing.



Er - that would be the Nihilistics!! yep we wuz there! - very very drunk at the time. I jumped off stage to dance with the kids, and played two whole songs before I realised I had unplugged myself.


I had a row with the local MP, which ended with him storming out (I was that drunk I called him a patriot instead of a parasite, and then had to pretend that was what I had meant to say).


After the gig I chucked my bass against the wall in the dressing room in disgust, then had to nail it back together again for the next gig.


Happy days.

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