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Punk / metal bands from Sheff between 1986 - 1996

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ooh 3 of yus has been busy anyway :P

sorry ive been neglecting the thread :( been a bit busy lately.

if any of you want any tracks hosting permenently ONCE i get this multiply site up and ready, youll have to up me some and pm me the link or someat. ill try and sort out joining multiply over the weekend and try it out by uploading a demo.


hm thought id seen the nearly band, obviously not, its not listed in my gig book anyway


i saw the bland loads, went to a party at thiers in chesterfield once (think it was theres anyway, they were there :P) first time i ever met jools the dwarf actually was on the train going, we woke up early the next morning blasting out early chumbawamba singles :P

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Can anyone remember who the third band were on the Dolebusters trip to Wales? There was us and the Detail and someone else... and the FCS naturally ran on after we'd headlined and did a set anyway, i think with Lou singing.


...... :-)


hey that was the nihilistics, my other band!


bands got picked out of the hat in good ol' socialist style, and nihilistics got picked.


lou went 'cos he was the one who insisted on accepting the invite dolebusters got from the cefwn mawr unemployed collective. nick read out the letter at a dolebusters meeting and said something like "we don't wanna go to wales!"


me and lou piped up something along the lines of "we'll do it!"


and we were so p****ed that yes we did get up and too an impromptu half-the-fcs set!



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PS: I got in touch with Nick Reynolds about eight years ago, when he was working for World Service. Having carried the guilt of ruining his first live band show for years, i was a bit disgruntled to find he had no idea who I was. If he's still at the BBC you could always try a punt with nick.reynolds@bbc.co.uk


on the subject of nick's take two broadcasts, i remember him hiring a sound engineer for the plague dogs set. he was a proffessional bbc guy, well trained, about 70 years old....never heard of rock 'n' roll.


so the guitars were in the background like an acoustic folk set, and all you could really hear were lou's growling vocals!



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A couple of other names popped into my head - 'Into the Storm' and 'Like Ice Like Fire'.



into the storm grew out of lou's pre-fcs band 50 famous women.


they got signed to red eye management, as did plague dogs. into the storm supported debbie harry who had the same tour management.


i'm off to buy an anorak.




p.s. here's john from into the storm outside safeway/ kelvin flats:




...and plague dogs at my old flat 1992:



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Great! So four of us on ‘ere have played a village in Wales. Rock n roll hall of fame for us then.


Si, I’ve mp3’d Sugar Sugar from the Hallamshire for you, get me an e-mail address and I’ll send it. This was from an early gig of ours reflected by the dozen or so girlfriends and mates that make up the audience. It’s a good performance though, before the “Gig fuel” took it’s toll on us!


Pete I’ll send it to you too as I think you’ll like it.


With regard to the BBC sessions that Si is so desperate (not) to get hold of. We actually set up at Take two at lunchtime and couldn’t be arsed to go home before the gig. The bar staff took an unofficial break in the afternoon so, free bar! So I can now state, for the record that prior to setting foot on stage, Si had consumed eleven pints of stella. So taking that into account it wasn’t a bad performance mate.


Yeah, Nearlies at Yorkshire Art Space was defo our best gig. Got two (genuine) encores. Quentin had joined us on keyboards and we’d worked hard prior to the gig. Hmm, why didn’t we think of that earlier? I work about two hundred yards from the venue and can see it from my window as I type.


Did FCS play Weston park festival? Or was it plague dogs? Can remember Lou on stage and think I can visualise Mick Diggin denim clad.


I’ve just remembered a worst performance. The Nearlies played at the Riverside in Newcastle and when the other band turned up me and Si thought the lead singer was the coolest bloke ever. Looked like Julian Cope (reward era) bomber jacket, mess of blond hair, so we thought this is promising.


Anyway, the rest of the band came on and started playing, then the singer appeared dressed head to foot in a Jesters outfit, big feet, pointy hat, the lot! They were dreadful. (should’ve got suspicious when the drummer started polishing his kit prior to setting up)

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i saw the bland loads, went to a party at thiers in chesterfield once (think it was theres anyway, they were there :P) first time i ever met jools the dwarf actually was on the train going, we woke up early the next morning blasting out early chumbawamba singles :P


I remember Julian from hunt sabbing. Last time I saw him was about 15 years ago, he was dressed as an Arab terrorist.


Also, knocked about with the Chumbawambas a bit after moving up to Leeds - pre world stardom, including singing on stage with them.

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Thanks for the link to the wales pictures Terry, I've sussed who everyone is now.


I was going to make some smart arsed comment about who are the old geezers further down the page but realising that I'm half way to 90 myself, I thought better of it.


Damn..I just did didn't I?

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Also, knocked about with the Chumbawambas a bit after moving up to Leeds - pre world stardom, including singing on stage with them.


lol did you actually fit on stage? or did singing on "stage" actually mean, singing from wherever you could fit?

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I only did it once - they got into the habit of dragging someone on stage each time they played. I did it at the 1 in 12 Club in Bradford - I think it was to do Heartbreak Hotel. I also did Karaoke with one of them once. Can't remember what we sang.


Yep we are all a bit older and fatter with less hair (except Matt).

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