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Punk / metal bands from Sheff between 1986 - 1996

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Si seems to have dissapeared off this forum an' all! .....


yeah, 'cos i scared him off with my ideas for tv scripts!


shame 'cos i had this one ready for him: the bill could have a mad criminal drummer called, say, pete 'eck. the police arrest him to find his house stashed floor to ceiling with stolen drumsticks....


:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:


..... Pete did you finally get to hear "wumman" I sent you?


yes thanks!


i finally put it onto my mp3 player and heard it! it sounds great! not heard that broadcast for 18 years!!!



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fans of the fcs can now hear my all time favourite fcs track ever!


this was recorded 'live' at red tape studios in 1987 on their four-track.


the words are by mik diggin. he's singing about homesickness, missing dublin.


music is by the fcs.


engineered and produced by dave wibbly.


please click below then scroll down to the track far from my land to download.





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Pete - et al - this is superb. Well worth the few seconds wait to download, and have blasting out while typing this response.


well here's summat totally different!


i wrote this eight years after the demise of the fcs....i switched to improvised piano. sounds like a cross between webern and stockhausen, although not quite as good! but it did make it onto the red tape studio best sheffield musicians of 1998 cd!


the site is here (just made it today!) and click on music to get the link to a 30-second piece of glorious pretentiousness!







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well, this is my first attempt at a history / depository for old sheff band demos and stuff (hopefully legal, if i can get peoples permissions :P)



just uploading my first demo (systematic annexe - was a split with anathema, about 1985)

hopefully lots more to come, maybe have a go at designing alogo to replace the hole in the road pic and maybe even a new theme....although i like it black :P

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