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Old School 'Gentlemens clubs' in Sheffield?

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I have a fantastic idea for a TV sitcom based on an old school gentlemens club........ripe for a lot of old school British stiff upper lip jolly good show actors.......Lesley Philips springs to mind as some retired old Colonel, oh, the possibilities here.....unfortunately all the best ones are dead...Terry Thomas....Alistair Sim......etc

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I too have always been fascinated by the idea of a (Gentlemen's) Club. So civilised - an oasis of calm, peace and tranquillity amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A place in which to think, nay cogitate, and partake of the finer things in life. To find like-minded personages, with whom one can banter and exchange ideas, but who know when to leave one in peace with a good book.


I've always had this fantasy of sitting quietly reading in a huge leather armchair beside a roaring fire, in the library of a gentleman's club-type establishment, with a grandfather clock ticking sonorously in the background - although time has no meaning in a room such as this.


To be in the world yet not quite of it - existing in a kind of timeless hibernation - ahhh, bliss!



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