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Yewlands school past

Guest Dave Ellis

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Iain Kelly - if your Mum's maiden name was Selman, then she was in my class at Ecclesfield Infant and Junior School. The Mary I knew, married a Kelly. Sadly, she is no longer with us, but I remember her vividly. As a teenager, she was an absolute stunner. She actually stopped the traffic, as drivers let her cross the road in The Haymarket. Mary had a very bubbly personality and was liked by everyone. A Mum to be very proud of.

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  • 5 months later...

Nigel, I had given up on a reply to my post and have just found yours today. I don't know what I was thinking putting my Mum's married name down. Thanks for your kind words about her, I'd love to talk to anyone else who might have known her. I left Ecclesfield when I was 15 but there must be quite a few people there who remember her.


Thanks again, it meant a great deal to read your post


All the best


Iain Kelly

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I must have been there about the same time as you !!!


I remember the English Teacher Mr Topham (old man Topham) who would begin most classes by telling the troublemakers to get outside the class so that there was no disruption. We read some amazing books in his class.....

I also remember Mr Fuller, we went on a school trip to France and some of the boys caught him looking under the blinds at the girls getting ready for bed. We all agreed he should get a good pasting from a group of 15 year olds (which he did...) instead of reporting him to the other teachers as he was a total perv....

Was anyone else on that trip ???



The trip sounds familar. Think Ive got some pics somewhere. mmmm can I remember who was there when I was?....... Karen Smith, Suzanne Bradley, Kevin Smith, Wayne Simpson, Barrie Pollard to name a few.


I seem to remember that one of the teachers husbands came, think he may have been american and the lads put toothpaste all over the door handle and it was him that opened the door. They also took the springs out of someones bunk and it collapsed when he got in it:D




My memory of Mr Topham was the dancing at lunchtime around christmas

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Hi I just came across this forum and the memories came flooding back, I remeber the trip to France brought a smile to my face. Well I suppose some of you will have heard some stories about me over the years some lets just say ive lead a colour full and varied life since my days at Yewlands to say the least :-) any correspondence would be interesting.

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I left in 84' my tutor was Ms Knight, she started with us and left when we left,. Last time I saw her she was selling the socailist worker down the High St. several years later. The other maths teachers were Mr. (smoke the cigar) Benson ther was one that went on to open a shoe shop just after we started What about Mr. (Claypole) Bishton who taght phisics and the one in the work shop that looked like Captain Kremmen and his mate that was always sweating Mr. Holmes I do believe and my old friend the Gordy phisics teacher. He once tried to beat me up at the back of the class in the labs in the Bristol block his name has slipped my mind, Alderson, thats it Mr. Alderson. I saw him some years later crossing the road near the University, was tempted to put my foot down. I wonder if he still drives the old 2CV. Can anybody remeber the name of the teacher from the work shops that was involved with the restoration of the moggy 1000 in the garage he drove an old mini wore John Lennon specs and had terrible breath? Mr. Morton if memory serves, left to teach at Chaucer I do believe, also mr. Trevorrow, Miss Coy was ther when I left, and Mrs Overland.

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