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Is Fright Night a good idea for a 13 month old child?


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i've never been before and was thinking of going with my 13month old little girl and so of my family that are up visiting. can u tell me if this is a good idea or not? is it a family kinda event or will it be full of idiots/chavs.... also where is best place to park? we were probably thinking of going around 4pm. any advice experinces would be good thanks jane

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During the early part it's a family type event, after about 7.30 it gets a bit crowded and lairy. I'm not sure a 13 month old would get much fun out of it though. We usually park on Rockingham Street carpark always got in there ok. Or there's a big car park off Fitzwilliam Street.

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thanks we would only go til 6 or 7 anyway its really for my family that r up my sister is 14 and my brother and his gf wanna go to so we will prob go for a while
They'll probably want to stop later, it's a laugh when it really gets going with all the fairground rides. Most people do get dressed up now, not just the kids.
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thanks for ur replies prob wont take buggy she walks anyway and will hold ur hand will just carry her. my sister is looking forward to it and my brother ( age 21 has a costume to wear!) we will only go for an hour or so early on they can always stay if they want to. thanks again

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Ive always taken my kids along, even as young as your little un and they absolutely love it.

You just have to go early, thus avoiding the huge crowds.

My 3 are getting excited about it already! Its a fantastic outing for them, espaecially with everyone being in costume. Brilliant.....but expensive!!! :)

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aww thanks ksheff i was abit worried about some of the comments about taking her as shes so young although i have no idea why?? she goes everywhere with me and enjoys everything as they do at that age lol we r not going for her as shes a bit young to really appreciate it but my sister is 14 and is up from cornwall for the week so im pretty sure she will! we will be going early as need to be back for 7 for her bedtime but if the others r having fun im sure they'll stay on

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You'll all have a great time! The only grumble about it I've ever had, is that some gangs of older kids often have no regard what so ever for the young kids. They can be quite intimidating. Im not pulling all the teen groups down, most of them are there to have a fantastic night, but you do get the odd trouble makers. Thats why we go when it's still light and leave before it gets dark, (and before it gets too packed).


P.S........ How lucky is your Sister???? Ask her to pack us lot in her suitcase when she goes back home to Cornwall!!!! The best place on earth! :D

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