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Late Try at the August Theme


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You will recall the theme for August was “Speech”. The rules permitted something that was rousing and the “St Crispian Day” Speech from Shakespeare’s Henry V (Act 4 -Scene 3) was used as an example.


At the time, my wife and I were in Sheffield responding to a family medical emergency. We were dashing around like maniacs with 37 hospital visits in 28 days. This introduced us to the nightmare of hospital parking that other people on the Forum have been complaining about for years.


Here then is the St Crispian Day speech, reworked by me to bitch about hospital parking. It’s a piece of nonsense but you might get a smile out of it.





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I really like this one Falls, what a cracking idea, you never fail to surprise me.

Being my patron saint an all, my favourite is Kenneth Branagh...



Yes Falls, you made a cracking good job of this one.

Thanks for that.


That’s strange, I have just posted this and it hasn’t registered, still on zero replies.

Must be them chuffin gremlins again.

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