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Daffodil Road And The House That Burnt Down

Arch Stanton

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How sad are you - do you realise what you are saying?


Idiots like you have ensured the church closed in July 2005.


Perhaps when you go to hell you can let everyone know what it is like.



Just be thankful our addresses are not shown on here. Please think twice before making a reply.

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Just wondering if anyone can remember a rather eerie story I seem to remember about a road (near Bluebell medical centre?) near Dafoddil Road on the Flower Estate. In the late 1970's, I had relatives who I used to visit and on approach to the beginning of Daffodil Road there was a huge (ish) house which I always remember looking very grey and downtrodden, with overgrown hedges, constantly drawn curtains, the lot!. I seem to remember a story in which the house was the victim of some sort of arson attack and the family that lived in there lived as a set of recluses and refused to be moved out. I cannot remember if that was the exact story, but, it certainly used to give me the creeps as a six year old kid walking past there every week. (Also used to remid me of "The Hammer House Of Horror" theme tune for some reason as well!). Went back there recently and of course the whole thing has been knocked down along with the houses on Dafoddil. One more question-What is the name of the woodland at the back and did it used to have some sort of park in there?


Strangely enough there was a house at the bottom of Donovan Road, off Wordsworth Avenue, S5, looking exactly like you say. A Mother and Son lived there and were both killed in the fire. This would be 1972/3.

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  • 1 year later...
we used to live opposite st hildas as kids I didnt think it was at all scary in fact we used to play on the fields behind.

i lived on bevercotes we used play on the back of the church my mate once sat on the

belvery he had climbed up the steepside that was in the war years

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I cannot imagine anyone, child or adult thinking that St. Hilda's church on Windmill Lane looked scary. It was a normal looking church of its day.

I remember going to the dances that they had on Saturday night's, they were held in the basement. When we were bombed out we also lived in the same basement for a number of weeks. Dances were postponed.


Cheers, Cynthia, Ontario, Canada.

i lived down the banking at the back of the churchfrom 1934 till 1960

never bothered me or my mates

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In response to the original topic 'Daffodil Rd'

I had an uncle who lived on Daffodil Rd in the 50s.

He will be long gone .I did not keep in contact with my cousins.

Does anyone remember Glaves on Daffodil Rd?

did they go round pubs at

night selling cockels am mussels

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Thanks for that. Must go back there some time-as I keep saying , a very creepy place, and quite a few people seem to agree on that. Think the woods are at the backof Daffodil Road and in the 1970's apparently a flasher used it as his "hangout"!!!!!. I noticed on the main discussion forum you were interested in the areas supernatural tales. I've heard a few, such as the ghosts of the Northern General Hospital, the Wincobank Watchers, the little people of Wincobank (that's a good 'un) etc. Would really like to get to the bottom of the burnt house on Daffodil Road story which I mentioned above-someone must know it, was the stuff of legend years ago.


I may be able to shed some light on one of the Northern General hospital ghosts. In 1980 or 81 my young daughter was taken into the hospital suffering from meningitis. As she was really ill we were offered accomodation at the hospital but as a young family just starting out I couldn't afford to take time from work. I used to stay by my daughters bedside with my wife until the early hours then run across the hospital playing fields on to Barnsley Rd and home to grab a couple of hours kip before work. One evening on the hospital ward I overheard two nurses talking about the ghost of the "mad monk" which had been seen over past couple of weeks scampering across the hospital grounds in the early hours, it seems all the staff were obsessed by it. I must admit I felt a little apprehensive about doing my nightly sprint across the football pitch until the penny dropped. As it was the middle of winter, I had been wearing my old duffle coat and used to fasten up my hood before venturing out into the cold. Far from being afraid of the ghoulish apparition, I was the damn thing, lol. I've never told a soul about it (apart from the missus) until today. Luckily my daughter made a full recovery and I remain a part of the folklore.

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I remember there was a fire that killed a man who lived just around the corner from bluebell and daffodil road . This happened in the mid 70's, I knew the family and went to school with the sons of the man who died. It was a tragic case of smoking after a few drinks and falling asleep on the sofa. Maybe this was the house you may be thinking of. To my knowledge it remained empty for a long time


Sounds like this is the most probable and Arch Stanton probably connected the empty house with someone still living there. As it may have had curtains still up when they left.

Or his childhood memories have got a little distorted as this happens to all of us.

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