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The monkey pub darnall

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  • 2 weeks later...

jacklev1 monkey pub.

Bit of information given to me by local resident of Darnall.

Nickname "Monkey" pub, used to be on Darnall Road,near

Coventry Road, which leads to Darnall cemetry,on the corner

of Coventry Road left hand side was a shop then the pub and

next to pub was a barbers shop, run by a Ken Bingham.

Across from the pub was Whitby Road School, now called

Greenland School. Apparantly it got it's nickname from a pot

or ceramic monkey that used to be on the bar.

Don't know real name or when it was demolished,hope this is

of interest to you, post again if i hear more. ALL THE BEST.

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used to walk past the monkey on my way to school as a kid . i went to whitby road which was just across darnall road . my dad used to drink in the monkey with his dad

the real name of the monkey was the vine it got its nickname because ther was a stuffed monkey hanging behind the bar my dad once borrowed it and took it to work . dont know what kind of monkee it was but it was very small and was in a little gold cage

next door was old man coopers junk shop he used to sit on the step of the shop in a shirtless collar with snuff marks on it

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" The Monkey " was on Darnall main road and it stood fcing a little sand "rec" It's proper name was " The Old Cricket Gounds" and it shut down in 1969 or there abouts I remember when you went in there was a dart board facing you ,as for the monkey ... never saw that

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shark youre right about the location but wrong about the name it was the vine no doubt if i dug out the old mans photo's out there might be a photo

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  • 1 month later...

I used to live on Nightingale street which was opposite the Monkey (VIne)

and we used to play in the sandpit, my brother got thrown off the roof there and broke his arm

I would go and get a paper the Green Un on a Saturday for a neighbour from the shop virtual opposite, just passed the fish N chip shop

what a great place


Any one remember the Darnall Medical Aid parades in the summer and the Church parades to High Hazels Park at WHitsun


Pity its a right **** ole now

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Are you my sister or brother cos I lived on Nightingale Street and used to play in the sand pit opposite the vine. And my brother fell off the garage roof playing tag and broke his arm. We daren't go home cos mi dad would kill us.

The sand pit got filled in with concrete and all we had left to play on was the swings.

Do you remember O BO JUG? He was the filthy coal man that lived with his brother a few houses down from the vine. The house looked deserted as all the windows were broken and it had no furniture and as kids we were all scared of him, cos he would run at us, cursing obscenities. my name is linda

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