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Ban Religion


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Is it now time we banned all regions?


Q - How many people throughout history have died in wars fought in the name of religion?


Q - Can it be right to stone someone to death in the name of a religious belief?


Q - Why do we allow religions to be preached when they legitimise atrocities such as "honour" killings?


Q - Why do people still donate money to Christian churches that seem to have nothing more important on their minds than whether a gay man should be bishop?


Ok, so it isn't actually possible to ban religions but isn't it time the world grew up and discarded this illogical practice?


To me, religion is no more than an emotional crutch that was "invented" to explain things people didn't understand and to try and give "reason" for our existence. Whilst this in itself might be harmless enough, the reality is that religion has been used throughout history (and to this day) as a tool for unscrupulous people to control the masses and attain positions of wealth and power. I say ban religion!

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Q - Why do we allow religions to be preached when they legitimise atrocities such as "honour" killings?

As far as I know, no religion teaches us to kill people. The only thing that preaches us to kill each other are radicle extremists who use religion as an excuse. It's sick and it's wrong. It's not religion we should ban, it's people who take things too far.

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I believe the term is fundamentalist.


We have them in paganism too - it seems a sad part of human nature that they just have to go that bit further.


What amazes me even more is some peoples reactions. Of course my beliefs are the opposite end to christianity and for them in direct opposition - but I was gobsmacked to recieve stupid comments from a jewish lady at Norfolk park. Surely the Jewish community should have learned the lessons of intolerance??


Ah well



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When you say 'religion' it is very important to distinguish between organised religion and personal religion.


Organised religion is the grand structures that surround the belief system, with dogma & commandments, riches & treasure, pontiffs, cardinals, Grand Wazoos, & the rest of the silly hat brigade.


Personal religion is that core belief in something greater than all of us, often but not always, sublimated into an organised religion. Whether it actually points to a real deity, or merely is a coping strategy for existential angst is not really relevant to this thread.


Most people are actually quite nice, despite cultural and religious/ideological differences, yet when they gather together into groups, they are prone to being manipulated more easily than normal. They are able to give precedence to their more 'animal' urges because the group erases their identity and therefore any sense of personal responsibility. This was demonstrated to chilling effect in Rwanda, where previously peaceable neighbours were incited to hack each other to bits by the oratory of terror.


Organised religion is used by people to commit acts of inhuman cruelty and degradation. But religion is not a requirement, just a useful channel. You could equally easily invent your own neo-mythology and ideology a la Hitler, the drawback is that you must get people to join the organisation before you start your evil plans.


With religion you have a ready made membership who hold certain things sacred. It's not difficult, then, to hold these sacred things up as being in grave danger from x and declaring a crusade against x. Plus ça change....


Banning religion merely makes it more fervent, as a persecution complex does much to engender zeal and extremism.


However, religion has been around so long that it is inextricably linked with the affairs of state, right back to when we used to have kings that ruled by divine right (a carve up between the two greatest powers of the time, church and warrior warlord). So, to my mind that would be a good start, kick all the religious elements out of government. No alliegances to God, no Bishops in the house of Lords by automatic right, no special treatment in law.


But you can't ban religion, that is totalitarian in the extreme.

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The Tao that can be talked about is not the true Tao.


The name that can be named is not the eternal Name.


- Tao Te Ching.


I think it is only human nature to try and grasp the ungraspable and put a name on it.


The problems start when we believe that our own particular labels and words are the 'right ones'.


If you think you have it ... you can be sure that you don't.

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Organised religion has just become a slush fund for the court cases and out of court settlements of Paedophiles. It has been for decades. In the US alone $1 Billion of contributions for the so called 'moral minority' has been used to keep Paedophiles out of court. That $1 Billion was BEFORE the current media activity.


As far as i am concerned if you go to Church, you put your money in the box and you DON'T tell the church you don't want you money used to protect these people, then you are guilty of protecting these people.


Also we won't go in to the Catholic church investing in arms companies either.


The sad thing is the people going to church have become the financers of some of the LEAST moral things we currently have to tolerate on earth. The Church cannot preach moral or ethical issues, so what is it's purpose? To teach us how to live our lives? Bhah.


I don't think you can make it illegal, but we should certainly bring them to account. The Church should VOLUNTEER not to pay out of court settlements, it should volunteer not to pay the legal fee's of it's members.

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Originally posted by JamieW

The Tao that can be talked about is not the true Tao.


The name that can be names is not the eternal Name.


- Tao Te Ching.


I think it is only human nature to try and grasp the ungraspable and put a name on it.


The problems start when we believe that our own particular labels and words are the 'right ones'.


If you think you have it ... you can be sure that you don't.

eloquently put

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Originally posted by back2basics

Organised religion has just become a slush fund for the court cases and out of court settlements of Paedophiles. It has been for decades. In the US alone $1 Billion of contributions for the so called 'moral minority' has been used to keep Paedophiles out of court. That $1 Billion was BEFORE the current media activity.


As far as i am concerned if you go to Church, you put your money in the box and you DON'T tell the church you don't want you money used to protect these people, then you are guilty of protecting these people.


Also we won't go in to the Catholic church investing in arms companies either.


The sad thing is the people going to church have become the financers of some of the LEAST moral things we currently have to tolerate on earth. The Church cannot preach moral or ethical issues, so what is it's purpose? To teach us how to live our lives? Bhah.


I don't think you can make it illegal, but we should certainly bring them to account. The Church should VOLUNTEER not to pay out of court settlements, it should volunteer not to pay the legal fee's of it's members.

What's all this bilge? Would you like to present us with some evidence?

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