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Ban Religion


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I would like to know ...


What actual practical steps ... you intend to take to ban religion?


Have you thought about how you will acheive your goal?


Do you intend to do so single handed ... or will you organise people in to a group ... kinda like creating an organisation to get rid of something you don't like (sounds familiar) ...

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Jamie, we all know it is impractical to ban religion so there's no great point score there.


Me personally, I will just do my best to try and persuade people to think more from themselves rather than be lead by groups preaching made-up theories and ritualistic practices.


Will I form a organisation or group to promote my cause... now we all know that's a slippery slope!;):)

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I'm not too bothered about 'scoring points' zamo ... because I would only end up winning and getting more concieted than I already am ...




I think there is 'good' and 'bad' in everything ... including religion.


Be interested to know what good ... mr zamo and mr back2basics can find with (any) religion?

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Originally posted by JamieW

I'm not too bothered about 'scoring points' zamo ... because I would only end up winning and getting more concieted than I already am ...




I think there is 'good' and 'bad' in everything ... including religion.


Be interested to know what good ... mr zamo and mr back2basics can find with (any) religion?

Oh no... we'll not succumb to the old reverse psychology trick!

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Originally posted by back2basics

Just noticed silda is a mod, so this may be less of a protection of C of E and more a moderators acuracy drive. Bit silda if so, please make sure everybody is corrected. And i sask you to give me even the slightest shred of evidance of another section of society with higher abuse rates.


Technically i would be wrong, most abuse is by family members. But that not really 'a section of society', and nobody is covering up for them.




Sidla, i have complied with your wishes offering stats, and reputable web sites with information.


Now please answer some of my question.


I assume you go to a C of E church? (one of the worst Church's for murder BTW, in fact founded on murder, by somebody who wanted to get divorced!).


Knowing that your Church has used some of the collection box money to settle court cases out of court. Have you ever mentioned to anybody in your Church you do not want it used for this kind of thing?


Do you feel happy with it being used for that?

Yes I go to my local church when I'm at home, which happens to be C of E. You can't say that the church endorces murder just because of things that happened over 500 years ago.


I'm ashamed to admit that I don't really give money to the church. I try to help the church in other ways because I don't have much money to spare. However, if I did give money to the church I would be angered if this money was going to buy weapons or out of court settlements as you say. I'm a fairly naive person, and I'd rather be sceptical than sinical. That is why I like to read as much about this sort of thing as I can before jumping to conclusions.

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The bottom line really is that all religion is founded on lies (or at least the ignorance of primitive people which has been perpetuated through the centuries).


In other words: a long time ago people made stuff up because it made them feel better. Now in the 21st century we are living with these vast, powerful and infinitely dangerous institutions which actively promote untruths for their own ends.


It's fine if religion comforts people, but by the same token: what's wrong with the TRUTH? It's science, reason, philosophy, etc that dragged humans out of the swamps. Not fairy stories.


Remember - God is just Santa for grown ups. Pure and simple.

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Originally posted by MichaelTravis

It's fine if religion comforts people, but by the same token: what's wrong with the TRUTH? It's science, reason, philosophy, etc that dragged humans out of the swamps. Not fairy stories.

But what if the truth is that there is a God? Science can't disprove that.


At the end of the day, I believe that Jesus did live and he was the ultimate role-model. He didn't judge other people, he had no discriminations and he taught us to love and respect each other. Even if you don't believe in Jesus, it's worth reading about what he (supposedly) did, because I believe if everyone followed Jesus' philosophy the world would be a perfect place.

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Originally posted by Sidla

But what if the truth is that there is a God? Science can't disprove that.



The burden of proof lies with those who make the claim, not with those who refute it. Otherwise, I will tell you about the 12 foot rabbit who lives in my shed, but just happens to be out everytime you look in there. You can't prove he doesn't exist, can you?


Good, cos HE DOES!!!

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Originally posted by LouiseB

You will be laughing on the other side of your face come judgement day pal!


Probably a 'tongue-in-cheek' comment Louise - but I can't really get around the Christian concept of an 'All-loving God' who can condemn someone to eternal damnation.


Rather like these two quotations on that topic:


'A belief in hell and the knowledge that every ambition is doomed to frustration at the hands of a skeleton have never prevented the majority of human beings from behaving as though death were no more than an unfounded rumour.' - Aldous Huxley (1894–1963), “Variations on a Baroque Tomb,” Themes and Variations (1950).


Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad. But the greatest part of mankind float betwixt vice and virtue. - David Hume (1711–1776), “Of the Immortality of the Soul,” unpublished essay I, p. 594.

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