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Anyone worked at Firth Browns?

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  • 8 months later...

I worked at Firth Browns from 1937 to 1983 (with a gap of 7 years for the second world war). During my time I worked in the machine shops. I would be very happy to here from anyone else that worked at Firth Browns at the same time as me. My father and grandfather also worked at firths.


Look forward to hearing from any and all of my ex-colleagues.


Bill Howard

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  • 3 months later...

Like many other prople I remember Richard Caborn's father George.


I remember him answering an enquiy of how he came to work at Firth Browns.


He replied, "I was out of work and outside Firth Browns was a notice saying,


WANTED- A man to replace two horses.


So I applied, and got the job immediately".


No further comment!!

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  • 1 month later...

My dad Frank Martin worked at Firth Browns Tools [Hard Metal Div.] for most of his working life,national service being the exception.He spent most of his time in hard metal tools and rose to become a production controller in that department.He,like many others,was made redundant in,I can't remember when,but it was his last permanant job.

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My mum worked there from leaving school.She was a tracer.With the knowledge she learnt from Firth Browns she also went on to get a little part time job tracing tatoos for a friend who had a tatoo shop.Dont think she stayed a long time though but someone may remember her.Her name was Lynda Taylor.

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