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Anyone worked at Firth Browns?

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  • 2 months later...

My father worked at Firth Browns up until his death in '88, his name was Jack (John) Cockayne and I know he was a Roll Grinder.


I seem to recollect names of people he worked with (amongst many others) being Frank Allott, Graham Woodhouse and someoone called 'Bigtime' :-)


I think at the time of his death the company had changed it's name to (I think) Forgemasters but I could be wrong there...

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Hi Andy,I worked at Firth Brown from 1951-1958,going thro apprentice training shop for 18 months, then finished training in 3@4 machine shops on Carlisle street. There was a Turner in there called "bigtime" dont know if it was the same one you mentioned, funnily enough his mate on the same machine was called Tommy Allot, "coincidence"? The manager was a \Mr Elliot and the under manager a Mr Robinson. Anyone who worked in this machine shop during those years, please reply. When your my age its nice to reminis. A few of us played football for the sports club --Atlas & Norfolk, and we had a cracking team for 3 or 4 years,

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  • 1 month later...
The Annual Re-union of Frirth Brown Melting Shop and Brickies took place ar Park Trades and Labour club on Dec 29th.There was quite a good turn out this year,one or two of the lads looked a bit older with the passing of years but there was nothing wrong with their elbows One 86 year old (Fred Harrison) made the journey all the way from Middlesborough just to see the lads and have a chat about the old days Many thanks to George Holden for arranging the meets and keeping it going


The re-union this year is on Friday the 29th december at the Trades & Labour Club.

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Hi Mick;

Thx for the information regarding the date for our meeting you have saved me a phone call ,i was going to phone Geordie tonight to ask the date,lets hope that we get a few more new faces this time ,hopefully David Edwards will show his face, i have,nt seen him for a long time now,Give my regards to George Birks.

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  • 5 months later...

I had a call from George Holden yesterday to tell me that Fred Harrison passed away earlier in the day (it was the day before his 89th birthday)Fred was shift manager (sample passer) on the new Atlas furnace and had many years servive with Firth Brown. He had,nt been well for a while with dodgy legs and failing eyesight but still made the trip from Middlesboro for the annual re-union at Xmas. Geordie is going to Middlesboro for the funeral.

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my grandad work there all his working life not sure what he did tho..his name is jack/john norcliffe depending on who you spoke to...my great uncle worked there as well he was somesort of union rep..his name is jack illingworth..also my great grandad workd there aswell his name was alfred illingworth and he something to do with a football team there

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