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What with all the Gay Bar hype???

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Originally posted by THCAyle

but whats the point in dividing gay and straight people even more by hanging around in different bars?




discrimination gets noone anywhere



Its all very well saying that, but it's ******! Gay people won't ever be able to go into a "str8" bar and pull. It's as SIMPLE AS THAT.

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Originally posted by mikebayly

Am I the only getting a little tired of these “we want a gay bar” nonsense? It seems to me that such proclamations are reactionary and not in the slightest thought through.


I don't think you have thought it through.


Originally posted by mikebayly

For instance. What is a “gay bar”? What purpose will it serve that is not served by existing bars? Will “straight” people not be allowed in? And if so, how will doormen know who is gay and who isn’t?


The purpose of a gay bar is to provide a safe space for gays and lesbians to meet and socialise.


Straight people are usually allowed in because they know what type of establishment they are visiting. As long as they don't stand around with jaw agape as they see same sex couples in friendly embraces, and even occasionally kissing each other, they'll be more than welcome.


Originally posted by mikebayly

To cite a point, I seem to recall an extremely ill fated night at the Forum called Polysexual. Despite being a regular patron of the Forum for nearly ten years, I was informed one Friday that I would not be allowed in that night. I asked why and was informed that Polysexual was a gay night and only gay people would be allowed in. And apparently, I didn’t “look gay”


Not only did this policy infuriate just about everyone it crossed, it also showed how Sheffield is still in the dark ages about addressing sexuality.


Never heard of Polysexual (perhaps that's why it was 'ill fated'?). However, as this was clearly a gay night, it seems that the doorstaff were just ensuring that the admissions policy was adhered to. It was a gay night, (as opposed to being a gay bar), so you really shouldn't have been too miffed about missing one night in ten years at the Forum.



Originally posted by mikebayly

Having lived in London and Brighton, the whole point about gay areas is that like-minded people can go and mix with like-minded people. This does NOT mean its is a heterosexual exclusion zone.


Now you've shifted the argument from gay bars, through a gay night at the Forum to gay areas. You need to separate the issues here. Yes, there are gay areas in London (Soho) and Brighton, and nearer to home, Manchester (Canal Street) and Birmingham (Gay village). They are all very welcoming of straight people, and are not heterosexual exclusion zones. Sheffield does not have any such gay area. There is no comparison.


Originally posted by mikebayly

Correct me if I am wrong, but Sheffield does not exactly have a huge gay scene. And bars like Forum, Halcyon, Dulo, Takapuna etc seem popular enough with a couple of gay guys I know.


Sheffield does have a gay scene. Compared to London, Brighton, Manchester and Birmingham, then it isn't huge. Compared to some other cities (e.g., Nottingham, Derby, Leicester), it's at least on a par.


Originally posted by mikebayly

If a “gay bar” where to open, I suspect it would turn into another uber pretenscious clique, just like so many other establishments in Sheffield that think a few downlighters, a plank of Walnut flooring and a Miu Miu crush at the bar somehow represents sophistication.


I couldn't possibly comment on "so many other establishments in Sheffield". But as your question is hypothetical anyway, we'll maybe never know!

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Oh dear trixie you have no idea what goes on at all. Well I've never done this before, I'm just bi-curious, my wife doesn't understand me, we did this at my boarding school..............


When will people understand that it's 90% people and about 10% environment. If it's that much in demand then open a gay bar it should be packed to the rafters. Why is it someone elses responsibility to provide everything for you? It does'nt take loads of cash as another thread seemed to think it take a vision, belief in what you are doing and hard work. I blame the nanny state culture.

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Originally posted by TrixieBoi

Its all very well saying that, but it's ******! Gay people won't ever be able to go into a "str8" bar and pull. It's as SIMPLE AS THAT.


Well I have, and I know several other people who have.

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Agree THC, agree.


Plenty of pubs with a good mix of gay/straight/bi clientelle. You've just got to know where to go.


Tell you though, there are some places i've been to with my gay friends, and you can fell peoples eyes burning into the back of your head.


Every pub i've every run and ever will run welcomes anyone but bigots.




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