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What with all the Gay Bar hype???

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I think kathytheebean must have just caught a bad moment, don't worry too much about upsetting people, we get used to it.


Must agree with how far we've come on the last few years though, quite incredible. So much is down to how you approach things (IMO), we've run businesses in Sheffield together for 15 years, very much in the public eye too. I can count on the fingers of one hand the adverse comments and reactions we have had.


Have to include the bloke who fell out with us after months of us pandering to his every whim, went off quite alarmingly, so abusive. crept back in a couple of months later apologising and asking if he we would let him back in. We said he could!


Spot on nick2 about the dishwasher, saves on the water bills too contrary to first thoughts!

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I was in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary for 10 years went to the Falklands in 82 and both Gulf Wars (got medal the first time). Worked with the Army and the Navy quite closely but no encounters of a close and intimate kind to relate, well not that happened onboard ship anyway.

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And I know several people who have been in prison and they havent mentioned any romatic experiences (unless you count being gang raped in the showers as romantic).

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