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The one I remember most vividly from my Nan (and there were a few I can tell you) was that eating raw potatoes (I used to nick em as she was cutting chips), would give me worms.

I'm sure it would be possible if I ate them unwashed but not sure when they were washed, I always wondered if she was right and I still get second thoughts when I eat raw washed chips now :)

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The one I remember most vividly from my Nan (and there were a few I can tell you) was that eating raw potatoes (I used to nick em as she was cutting chips), would give me worms.

I'm sure it would be possible if I ate them unwashed but not sure when they were washed, I always wondered if she was right and I still get second thoughts when I eat raw washed chips now :)


We were told that "raw potatoes are poisonous".



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Duffems.... "You mont sit on cold doorsteps, you'll get kinkoff in yer potmold! (What the hell is that).


Hi....it's not "kinkoff" but "king cough"....(dont ask!!!) :)

My mum still says it now, even Ive started saying it to my kids!!!

Like if they go out when it's cold with no coat on..."You'll get king cough!!!"

If they go outside with wet hair......"You'll get king cough!!!"


lol.... whatever a "pot mould" is, I dont know, but Im pretty sure it's got something to do with your bum!!! (You'll get king cough in your bum!!) hahaha!!!


If we sat on a cold wall/steps, we were told we'd get piles! Nice!!!! ;)

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The one I remember most vividly from my Nan (and there were a few I can tell you) was that eating raw potatoes (I used to nick em as she was cutting chips), would give me worms.

I'm sure it would be possible if I ate them unwashed but not sure when they were washed, I always wondered if she was right and I still get second thoughts when I eat raw washed chips now :)



Only if the soil in which the potatoes had been grown were contaminated with feces, human or animal. Cat and dog feces can spread a parasite known as a hookworm to humans that can infect the skin or even the eye. Human or pig feces, which used to be used as fertilizer, may contain eggs of roundworms that can develop in the human intestine. If all the soil is washed off the potatoes they're safe. There are no parasites inside the potato that are infective to humans. So your Nan was partly right.

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