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Remember being told if I whistled too loud I'd blow my front teeth out....


Took the advice, but as with the burnt toasters still lost me front teeth.....:heyhey:

And wasn't there some thing about closing the bedroom window at night because the night air was bad for you ?

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My Nan used to say, that if you wore clothes that were not properly aired " you will get Scarlet Fever" &


"a whistling woman and a cackling hen will drive the devil from his den" if ever we were caught whistling


*my bold*


OMG yeah my Nan used to that too, I haven't heard it said for years :)


Just reminded me of another, apparently it was bad luck if you whistled while on the stairs!

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Talking of stairs, does anyone remember being told not to pass anyone on the stairs as it's bad luck?


Sure do, and the one where if you'd gone out and then you went back into the house because you'd forgotten some thing, you had to count to ten..


Still do it

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My grandma used to say that if I ate burnt toast it would make my hair curl. For years I believed her and cheerfully ate the burnt edges of toast slices. Now I haven't enough hair left to make it worth bothering..:(




2. If you cross your eyes and it starts thundering you will stay like it

3. If you accidentally splash the water that you have boiled your eggs in, onto your skin it will cause warts.


(I still believe #3 for some reason).

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2. If you cross your eyes and it starts thundering you will stay like it

3. If you accidentally splash the water that you have boiled your eggs in, onto your skin it will cause warts.


(I still believe #3 for some reason).


. . . and to get rid of warts tie a Horse Hair round them and pull tight - for Christ's sake don't try it, just see the quack.

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We could make this into a pamphlet you know, perhaps calling it '' Tips for a crap life'' - any takers ?


Thing is, if we'd have all followed them to the letter we'd never have got through life which proves that, just like our own kids/grandkids, we didn't take a blind bit 'o notice (isn't that another one, a blind bit o'notice?).



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Sure do, and the one where if you'd gone out and then you went back into the house because you'd forgotten some thing, you had to count to ten..


Still do it


:hihi::hihi: I STILL do that, pmsl even when I am running late for work...lmao If I have forgot something..I go back in house, and I am not even halfway to front door on way back out and I can "see" my Dad standing there saying...now sit down an count to 10...or you'll have bad luck for rest of day :hihi:


Daft aint we :loopy::suspect::rolleyes:

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