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Kids playing loud music on back of buses

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I think it's ridiculous how kids get away with it, Shouldn't drivers have the power to removed them from the buses? I was on a bus the other week the driver asked 3 times for them to turn it down and got abuse back. The thing that got me was that they were setting the back seats alight and blowing it out quickly and was anything done?


Nope. They got off and nothing was done.

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Thing is...... buses now have flyers up, reminding the little cretins that it isn't polite to play loud music on their phones, and that it could upset other passengers.......

SURELY they HAVE to do the complete opposite???????????


Little f........................................ :(

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If everyone (myself included) started confronting them instead of turning a blind eye then all would be well. However, its hard standing up to them if no one else on the bus has your back. The People United Will Never Be Defeated.


People are gonna turn a blind eye!

Either that, or GET blinded!

Most of these kids do stuff in order to get peoples reactions, so they can have a go....end up maiming some innocent person, and look good in front of their mates, when they have to go to court and get their "golden ticket"....errr I mean ASBO:suspect:

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Bloody hell kids have been doin this for years just let kids be kids they will grow out of it.Maybe it will sound out your sad sad thoughts.


Ok fair point,youre only young once ect....BUT... We can do without the abuse of these cretins..............

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About 5 years ago & I was one of them, but an old guy asked me to turn it down on the bus and I did without question. Since then if I have to get on the bus, which is very rare now that I drive - I always have my music down as its not really fair on other passengers.

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I asked this young lad to turn his music down when on the bus the other day, which he did but then decided to be all 'brave' as he got off the bus and gobbed at the window. Big man. Surely ear phones are cheap these days? Don't they even come free with their new phones?? It wouldn't be so bad if the music was any good (smirks)...

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