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Kids playing loud music on back of buses

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This is one of the things that could quickly turn me in to a vigilante. What do bus companies do about it? Nothing! :rant:


To be honest, I don't think many bus drivers or even passengers would want to confront these people. I've felt that numerous times - I'd love to grab their phone and chuck it out of the window, but I'd also like to not get stabbed.


The answer is either to teach them proper respect and manners or, if that doesn't work, to get everyone else on the bus to blare out Beethoven's 5th until they back down. Sorted. :thumbsup:


Grow up ........its anti social having to listen to the abuse handed out by these little toe rags


What do you suggest we do, Mr Benn? Throw 'em all into prison? :hihi:

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Totally disagree with these kids playing loud music on buses etc but the other day on my way to work on a bus. I had my Ipod on, this old woman(mid 60's would say) sat next to me. Then she proceeds on tapping me on my shoulder and tells me to turn my music down beacuse she could hear it :huh: trust me if she was younger and a male I would have told her to go forth and multiply!!! Its not like I was pumping it out through some speakers on my nokia or what ever!? really annoyed me :rant:

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I'd love to grab their phone and chuck it out of the window,


I'd love to as well but unfortunately their conditions of carriage say:


4.2 No passenger or intending passenger shall:


n) Throw any article from the Vehicle or attach to or trail from the

Vehicle any streamer, balloon, flag or other article;

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I'd love to as well but unfortunately their conditions of carriage say:


4.2 No passenger or intending passenger shall:


n) Throw any article from the Vehicle or attach to or trail from the

Vehicle any streamer, balloon, flag or other article;


Can I just grab it from them and stamp on it instead, then? :)

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I don't think I would mind so much when they played their music if they actually played through a decent stereo, instead of the badly recorded super tinny versions we actually have to endure.

OK, so their taste isn't mine, and I do find it rude but maybe if it was better sound quality it wouldn't be quite so grating.

Also, why is it that generally speaking a polite "please could you turn that down" usually receive a string of expletives in reply? Last time I asked some teens to turn it down I was called all kind of names - just for politely asking them to turn it down.

Best comment ever though was when I was lisyening to my ipod through headphones once and a teenage lad tapped me on the shoulder and asked what I was listening to.

"Chopin, piano nocturne in e" I replied. I have never seen such confusion on a face before as he spluttered "Tha' what?" and backed away...

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