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Old woman who sold sweets on Falstaff


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This is probably going to sound like a rather bizarre post.

When I was a small child (around 25 years ago or so) I went to Southey Green Infant school, on my way there I can vaguley remember stopping off at a house somewhere on Falstaff it was an old lady's house to buy sweets.

I can't remember much about it apart from we used to go up a gennel of some sort and her back garden led onto it, we used to go to the back door (a stable door if I remember rightly) and queue up to buy the sweets. They were Bassetts sweets, you know the sherbert dips and flumps and stuff like that.


I just wondered if anyone else used to go there or can remember the lady, she was a nice old lady, we only new her by the name "owd woman" and I seem to remember that she was the gran of someone at Southey Green school who was there at the same time as me.


There isn't a particular reason for this post, it is just a nice childhood memory :)

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