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Edgar Street, Pitsmoor, 1950s


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is there anyone out there who lived on - or around Edgar Street, Pitsmoor in the mid fifties to mid sixties? I was born there in 1953. and lived there with my mom and dad at my grandparents' house - George and May Moffatt. I left Sheffield in the early 70s but I know Edgar Street's no longer there.

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Too young ? … I remember Mrs Collie the shopkeeper … and Billy Limb the butchers … and Pepperdines … and being the last in the tin bath on a Friday night after everyone else … and the house brick water bottle … and playing on the 'Oller' (I've read it referred to as the 'Wreck' but I always knew it as the 'Oller' (The Hollow) … and Smickies field where you could always find glass marbles in the steelwork waste dumps at the bottom … and the Corner Pin pub … and the outside lavvie with newspaper squares pierced on a nail … and sculpting 'slopdosh' with the steel dust and grime in the kerbside gutters … and much more besides. Happy Days …?!?

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Hi andysell,

I lived on Edgar St. when first born, from 1945 to approximately 1948, we then moved to Atlas St.

I had a great aunt and uncle who lived at number 61 - Walter and Doris Timperly. My uncle died in 1953, my aunt continued to live there until about 55/56. I remember Florrie Collies shop across the road.

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Hi pugwash,

I'm IAN I was born in 1945 and we lived at 59 Edgar St, I used to go to All Saints School and was in the Boys Brigade at Petre St church Used to knock around with Peter Brearly,Alan Hardisty, David Godson, Malcom Slack, John Cox he lived in the same yard, Stephen Sykes Rita & Linda Palmer Angela Lee,Barbara Godson We used to have races around the block, from Pepperdines fruit shop by the gas lamp along Edgar St, along Petre St and back down to Pepperdines, Great times

ciao Ian

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Angela Lee


Aaaargh thats me. We lived in the next yard to the Godsons at number 49 then moved to Bk 50 Lyons St which was on the opposite corner to Pepperdines.

I can't see Ian Moffatt in your list....!!!!

Edited by Tuppie
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Hi pugwash,

I'm IAN I was born in 1945 and we lived at 59 Edgar St, I used to go to All Saints School and was in the Boys Brigade at Petre St church Used to knock around with Peter Brearly,Alan Hardisty, David Godson, Malcom Slack, John Cox he lived in the same yard, Stephen Sykes Rita & Linda Palmer Angela Lee,Barbara Godson We used to have races around the block, from Pepperdines fruit shop by the gas lamp along Edgar St, along Petre St and back down to Pepperdines, Great times

ciao Ian


Hi Ian, i`m Pete - I also went to All Saints school, infants and juniors until age 11. I remember David Godson who l think lived next door or 2 doors away from my aunts. Peter Brearly was a mate, did`nt he live at the corner of Edgar St. and Lyons St.? I think his dad was a radio ham and I remember a radio antenna on the top of a pole in thier back yard.

If you attended All Saints you were probably taught to swim, as I was, by the dreaded Mr. Scot at Sutherland Road baths, he was strict but he must have been good, I could swim half a mile by the time I was 10.

I used to enjoy playing on the Wembly opposite the baths, happy days :)

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