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Vehicle breakdown/recovery services. Are you a member?

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i use autoaid, £29 for a year, gives recovery to any uk place (go with the aa and you'll be charged £80+ for teh same cover). Employs local garages to come and see you, so the liklihood is that you wont be waining long.

Might you, it's a little fight club, the first rule of auto aid is....

anyway, people can find a phone number on teh internet if they look, but there's no specific website.

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  • 4 years later...

Hi all


Im a recovery company based in south yorkshire my fees are very low


My prices are on my website with no hidden costs


thats for those of you that dont have cover


but those of you that dont have it


thanks for looking


I did once call AA out when i was a member for a water pump in my BMW they came within 30 mins towed me to my partners parents house as my house was just that bit to far, (one mile to far)


Also i called them out for a motorbike breakdown, they sent a guy from a local garage who said "motorbikes i havent a clue but i will have a look" needless to say i was not impressed as where i broke down was a biker place and it was packed by the time they got to us it was about empty


Anyway after a nasty phone call to the AA guess what a AA guy turned up. A motorbike expert due to his own hobbies, but the first guy was still having a go and got it running


What i did missout was that the first guy brought a motorbike trailer ( looks positive doesnt it hahaha)


I rode home no problems still to this day the bike runs great

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I was an AA member. I was riding along the Buckingham bypass and the chain on my bike broke. (Fortunately it broke as I stopped ata roundabout.) I called the AA.


AA: "How do you know the chain is broken?"

Me: "It's lying on the road behind the bike."

AA: "Oh, we can fix the chain."

Me: (Wishing to stay alive for just a little longer) "No you cannot! It needs a new chain."

AA: "We'll send out a recovery vehicle."


40 Minutes later, along comes an AA vehicle (not capable of recovering the bike)

AA Man: "We needed to see what sort of bike it was"

Me: "I'd already told you that. What part of "1996 Triumph Thunderbird" was so hard to understand? When will the recovery arrive?"

AA Man: "It will be here very soon."


5 hours later a recovery vehicle arrived. The guy driving it said: "I'd gone back to the shop to tidy up and I saw the message from the AA. - Fortunately for you, I'm a biker and I'm feeling in a good mood, otherwise you could've had a really long wait."


He told me that as the AA have their own recovery vehicles (but not many bike recovery vehicles) they only use recovery garages as a 'Last Resort'. Because such garages do most of their trade with other recovery sevices - many of which use them as first choice - AA callouts are treated as very low priority.


It took me 8 hours to get home. That was the end of AA membership.


Then I had recovery service through Norwich Union (before they started driving around in Viva's.) The recovery was provided by the RAC. I was living in Norfolk and I got a flint in a tyre. - Flints are a fairly common hazard between October and February, when the farmers are moving sugar beet around. The sort of flint you are likely to encounter is more like the sort of flint stone-age people used as knves or arrowheads than the sort you will find in a lighter.


I called Norwich Union recovery.


NU Man: "What appears to be the problem?"

Me: "The back tyre appears to be flat, because I've got a flint in it."

NU Man: "Ho Ho! - Well, we can fix that!"

Me: "Not very likely. I can put my thumb in the hole."

NU Man: "Are you sure it was a flint which caused the damage?"


NU man: "Where are you?"

Me: "Rocklands"

NU man: "Where's that?"

Me: On the B1077, about mid-way between Watton and Attleborough."

NU Man: "Where are they?"

Me: "Are you really Norwich Union?"

NU Man: "Yes"

Me: "Where are you?"

NU Man: "Glasgow" (It pays to deal with local firms, doesn't it?


We eventually sorted out where I was - or at least I thought we had - and he promised to send a recovery vehicle. It arrived, 3 hours later. It had taken 3 hours because he sent a vehicle from 3 counties away. Geography seems not to be a strong point with RAC.


I now have ADAC Cover. Valid worldwide, pays to take me, my family and my vehicle home. Covers all travel and incidental bills, covers the whole family in any vehicle we may happen to use.


And costs about £60 a year.

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Well as if by magic


I was called out to recover a car for a local company,


the call went something like this


" Hi mate could you recover a Merc for me please from address xxxx"


"yeah no problem what is the problem with the car"


"The owner disconnected the battery shut the boot and it is now locked"


now im thinking merc key???? has a Emergency key in the hand set so off i went


once on site the key wouldnt open the door or boot O GOD i thought so called bloke who called for the recovery


He turned up and i said i could gain entry via the door but damage could be caused but he said no and that a locksmith would be called, Only to doscover the owner had AA cover


So he called the AA after 1 1/2 hour wait AA rang and said they would be 45 minutes


I left........................... already to long as i can get to any recovery in south yorkshire in 60 Minutes


HOURS LATER 20:00 i had a call from the owner to discovery the AA had just got there but they had opened the car


I then went out and collected the car for the owner and took it to a local business for inspection


So AA good for one thing but not for the speed of getting to the job in hand


And by the way im under going Vehicle Entry techinques this year now so i wont have to wait again


Thanks all

The owner then called out the AA to sort it out

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I have the full AA package but on the car not the driver (I only ever have use of my own car) I've called them out twice in the last year.


First one was my alternator went and the car wouldn't start and needed to be towed. They were out within 45 mins (even though I said no rush I'm at home and there is no really emergency as we're not going anywhere) They texted to tell me the engineer was close by and would be only a few minutes. Fantastic service


Second time I was heading to Scotland on my first long drive since passing my test and I came across the snake pass and just in to Glossop when my temp sensor light came on. I thought this was weird as I'd refilled all the fuel etc the night before in preperation for the long drive. Looked under the bonnet and discovered that the lid for the coolant tank had vanished. I obviously hadn't screwed it on properly when I topped it up (although the AA guys said it's not uncommon for the vibrations of the car to sometimes make it come off if it was a bit loose) Again 1 hour they were with me the phone operator also asked did I need her to contact anyone on my behalf to let them know what had happened. The repair guy went to VW for the part fixed it on and refilled the coolant, he then followed me on to the motorway just to make sure I was ok.


Excellent service I'd say def worth the money (with incidently is only £60 for the highest package as I get it with an AA Warranty)

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