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Do you like Niche?


Do you like niche???  

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I used to freqent Niche when i was a youngster and I tell you I loved it! There has been times where i myself have got into a bit of trouble in there, but nothing to do with the club itself! Just trouble that I had and we happened to resolve it in there! Stupid really!


Regarding the raid! To be honest I am suprised this kind of thing didn't happen sooner! Purely if anything else based on 'reputation'. You have to admit regular Niche goers were probably suprised when 'SuperCLub' republic was raided. I know i was saying, god good job it wasn't Niche! As Niche does and did have a 'reputation' AND THAT WAS IT!


As for people commenting about all Niche goers being Chavs. I have to disagree! I am certainly no chav and have a respectable job, I go and enjoy niche for the music and the atmosphere!


As for increased security, this is purely to protect people!Yeah i know some of the doormen can be arseholes, but this is cos they have to deal with idiots thinking they are bad turning up as if they own the place, same as any club!! This is a must and may look heavy... but thats what the world, not just Niche is coming to nowdays!!

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iv'e been once to ze niche so it doesn't make me an expert, but It wasn't as bad as everyone (who's never been) say it is. Nobody could sneak a gun or a blade in there because of the checks on the way in.. this makes you feel a lot better about going in..


It seems to me that people are so caught up in stereo types that they can't just judge anything for what it is..


I'm not a fan of the music and probably wouldn't have gone if I wern't smashed.. but i managed to have a good time and a little rave.. didn't get hassled, didn't even get the **** eye or a push (which is more than I can say for the crasher, kingdom etc.) So to the people whov'e never been and recite what their mates have told them.. pull your head out of your arse yea?






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Its a shame its shut!!


Must admit tho, did get ****** when other so called Niche Nights kept poppin up. Even tho orchis did a very popular one on a Friday where i think possible Jamie Furgeson started out, before he went to capitol or as you may know it ZERO.


How come all these nights got shut down eh?

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Originally posted by OwlsChick

Theirs absolutley Nothing Up With It,


Those people who actually bother going to niche week in week out like myself can give a REAL opinion on the place, not like these people who hear all this B*******t off their friends and they've never even been before


End of day if you dont like it then you dont like it go dance about to po-xy pop music in kingdom with all rest of mingerz that they have their


and if one more person says 'not guna niche i'll get shot' i think im just goin go on one.... Get a life....you got more chance of gettin shot by a cloud full of lemonade, well maybe not, but you get my point. 2 shootings sinse the opening and its like every other night with you people, seriously you need to get your info write before you post


Erm, you think two shootings isn't bad?? I don't want to go to a place that has had ANY shootings!!


I lived very close to there last year and could see Niche from the window of my flat. Someone got stabbed while I lived there.


I don't think anyone's trying to offend anyone about it it's just it isn't really a safe place and no, not everyone likes that kind of music.



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Originally posted by funkymiss

Erm, you think two shootings isn't bad?? I don't want to go to a place that has had ANY shootings!!


I lived very close to there last year and could see Niche from the window of my flat. Someone got stabbed while I lived there.


I don't think anyone's trying to offend anyone about it it's just it isn't really a safe place and no, not everyone likes that kind of music.




Yes ANY shooting is bad, but this has nothing to do with Niche the club.


There have been stabbings and shootings all over the place, what makes you think it is just Niche? :loopy:

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Originally posted by SteveWilson

Makes me laff!


club that holds 600+ people and they arrest 12?


i would like to see how many would be arrested if they busted republic or kingdom!!!!


would certainly be more that 12!!!!!


Thats exactly what I thought when I red the paper, kingdom dont even search ya! theres drugs in every club in the world, i dont care what anybody says. People carry knives n stuff, its all just part n parcel of the society we live in 2day.


I absolutly love speed garage/niche/bassline whatever you want to call it but iv never been 2 Niche. I really wanted to go but the only thing stopping me is im in a wheelchair n iv been told its not accesible. Loads of my mates go and theyv never had any trouble, n they go every saturday. Obviously you hear stories, but you do bout everywhere! I blame alcohol lol.

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Originally posted by Tessika

Thats exactly what I thought when I red the paper, kingdom dont even search ya! theres drugs in every club in the world, i dont care what anybody says. People carry knives n stuff, its all just part n parcel of the society we live in 2day.


I absolutly love speed garage/niche/bassline whatever you want to call it but iv never been 2 Niche. I really wanted to go but the only thing stopping me is im in a wheelchair n iv been told its not accesible. Loads of my mates go and theyv never had any trouble, n they go every saturday. Obviously you hear stories, but you do bout everywhere! I blame alcohol lol.


You would still be able to go in a wheelchair, it just means that you wont be able to go upstairs to the 1st floor.


Perhaps you should give it a go, or maybe email Niche to see what they say about coming in a wheel chair. :thumbsup:

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