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Conservatives vow to bring back hunting with dogs

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You can't guarantee a quick despatch. No-one can. Please stop trying to pretend that fox-hunting is done for pest control purposes. That old chestnut wore out quite a while ago and is fooling no-one.


yes you can with foxhounds whilst with all other means of killing a fox there is no guarantee, that’s a fact, even the best marksman cannot guarantee a kill outright whilst shooting foxes.


In a perfect world humans and foxes could coexist in relative equilibrium, but in some cases there are reasons to cull fox numbers. Like I said before, hunting for pleasure I’m dead against, but hunting to control a population of a pest is unsavoury but necessary.

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Foxhunting is still legal in here in Ireland.

I live in a very rural area. None of the local farmers allow hunting on their lands.

Foxes are not causing any significant problems that cannot be dealt with by means of guns and traps.

To suggest that a mounted hunt is the fastest method of culling foxes is at best disingenuous, not to mention plain daft.


You are right. It is far safer to stick guns in the hands of the Irish.

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Fox hunting is just a pastime for the rich minority, take the "thrill of the hunt" away from them and they wouldn't care about the fox population either.


I’m neither rich nor do I see fox hunting as anything other than pest control and I have partaken in a hunt. Consider your generalisation thoroughly debunked.

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I used to be dead against fox hunting as I thought it was cruel to the fox. Undoubtedly it is. But then I started to think, foxes rip the throats out of lambs, and its not always for food because they don't always take away the carcass. I wonder how many lambs a single fox would do that to in its lifetime? Perhaps it is cruel to the fox when its ripped to bits, but doesn't that stop the same fate happening to hundreds of lambs or other livestock?

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Hunting with dogs is the ONLY way you can guarantee the fox will be killed outright. Shooting, poisoning and trapping elongates the suffering of the animal by anything from minutes to days.


I dont see the difference, shot and suffer or tore to bits with a pack of dogs. Im sure the pain of gnoring teeth and skin being tore off and bleading to death are just as bad for the fox, in fact worse because your guarenteed suffering with dogs but one shot can do it cleanly in most cases.


Its just so the pompus elite can have something to talk about over a nip of sherry.

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I used to be dead against fox hunting as I thought it was cruel to the fox. Undoubtedly it is. But then I started to think, foxes rip the throats out of lambs, and its not always for food because they don't always take away the carcass. I wonder how many lambs a single fox would do that to in its lifetime? Perhaps it is cruel to the fox when its ripped to bits, but doesn't that stop the same fate happening to hundreds of lambs or other livestock?


You could use that argument to bring back capitol punishment. The fox kills instictivly so what do you expect it to do ? get a moral concience and try getting a chicken kiev from the CO OP ?

Its not the foxes fualt that we breed sheep for food, it cannot distinguish the prey, it will just kill what is to offer so we must accept cassualties with how we farm our food.

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You could use that argument to bring back capitol punishment. The fox kills instictivly so what do you expect it to do ? get a moral concience and try getting a chicken kiev from the CO OP ?

Its not the foxes fualt that we breed sheep for food, it cannot distinguish the prey, it will just kill what is to offer so we must accept cassualties with how we farm our food.


Yes I do agree with you on that. In essance foxes are wild animals and humans have put livestock on their turf.

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I dont see the difference, shot and suffer or tore to bits with a pack of dogs. Im sure the pain of gnoring teeth and skin being tore off and bleading to death are just as bad for the fox, in fact worse because your guarenteed suffering with dogs but one shot can do it cleanly in most cases.


What’s the difference between a death that takes a a split second and a death that takes days? Which would you prefer?


Its just so the pompus elite can have something to talk about over a nip of sherry.


An already debunked myth and nothing more than reverse snobbery.

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