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Conservatives vow to bring back hunting with dogs

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What’s the difference between a death that takes a a split second and a death that takes days? Which would you prefer?




An already debunked myth and nothing more than reverse snobbery.


Would you rather be chased for hours and mauled or shot whilst peacefully tending your roses?

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yes you can with foxhounds whilst with all other means of killing a fox there is no guarantee, that’s a fact, even the best marksman cannot guarantee a kill outright whilst shooting foxes.


In a perfect world humans and foxes could coexist in relative equilibrium, but in some cases there are reasons to cull fox numbers. Like I said before, hunting for pleasure I’m dead against, but hunting to control a population of a pest is unsavoury but necessary.


A fox does not die instantly at the beginning of a hunt. You, and we, know this. It can take hours before the poor animal is put out of it misery. Stop pretending that foxhunters are doing foxes a favour! You can also stop pretending that its all done in the name of pest control. No-one believes that tosh.

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I would like to shoot a stag...


Does this make me a bad person?




I would also like to mount machine gun turrets at the exit points of the channel tunnel and also at Dover and Heathrow


Does this make me a bad person?


Yes...Most probably.




Lighten up a bit and stop anthropomorphologelising the ickle animals...Pigs don't heard Sheep, Lions don't eat slugs, Owls never have relations with pussy cats and Foxes are not that sexy.


If some soft bugger wants to try to break his neck hunting a fox on what is little more than a lanky cow in my opinion then let him.

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A fox does not die instantly at the beginning of a hunt. You, and we, know this. It can take hours before the poor animal is put out of it misery. Stop pretending that foxhunters are doing foxes a favour! You can also stop pretending that its all done in the name of pest control. No-one believes that tosh.


You know bugger all about fox hunting and your dislike for it is nothing more than an emotional response to what you see as a cuddly victimised animal brought about by nothing more than media fantasy.


No a fox does not die at the start of a hunt, it is chased, in exactly the same way a fox hunts smaller animals and how foxes where hunted by wolves and alive prior to their man made extinction in the British isle.


A fox is a killing machine, and while armchair environmentalists will demand cheap lamb and free range eggs at a pittance, the fox is always going to be a pest to small hold farmers.


How many lambs have you seen slaughtered by a fox and left in pieces all over a field? How many chicken coops have you seen decimated by a single fox that takes 1 out of 100 birds it kills?

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Would you rather be chased for hours and mauled or shot whilst peacefully tending your roses?


You need to understand that a fox does not simple stand up in a field and hold a big sign saying "come and shoot me". They are stealthy creatures that tend to work at night. So now the idea of shooting one is vastly diminished. Then there is their sense of smell, they can smell you and you would never even know they where there.


Don't get confused with the urban or dog-foxes you see in towns and cities. A country fox is very different.


A death that lasts a few seconds at most is far more desirable than dying of blood loss over days or blood poisoning over weeks or even having to chew off your own limbs to escape a trap.

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A fox is a killing machine, and while armchair environmentalists will demand cheap lamb and free range eggs at a pittance, the fox is always going to be a pest to small hold farmers.


How many lambs have you seen slaughtered by a fox and left in pieces all over a field? How many chicken coops have you seen decimated by a single fox that takes 1 out of 100 birds it kills?


Is fox hunting the most effective way to protect the livestock of small hold farmers?

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