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Conservatives vow to bring back hunting with dogs

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As I understand matters, the motive in recent times has increasingly had more to do with tradition than one-upmanship ("getting one over the little people"), so though I'm loathe to agree with the likes of Nodens, this particular issue has always looked like class-related politics to me.


What of my revenue argument?


The class thing riles me slightly, as its usually the people with it that look down disdainfully on the practices of those of us lower down the food chain. I dont like double standards and you can bet that had hunting on horseback been the preserve of the working classes we wouldn't be having this argument now as it would have been banned yonks ago.


Nonetheless, I cant see any argument for celebrating the chase, capture and mutiliation of anything, whoever the protaganists are.


The revenue argument?


This might be the most valid of all, but should it have preeminensce over issues of cruelty? There are many industries that have suffered due to the vagaries of public opinion and morality-pornography, prostitution, pistol shooting, smoking, even selling self certificated mortgages! Sad as it is, the people involved adapt and find new ways to earn a living, I think in the case of hunting with hounds, drag hunting is an obvious alternative.

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Fox's, cute as they are, are vermin.


The Fox-Hunting ban is just class warfare, the loony Left preventing the toffs from carrying on a traditional country pursuit - quite pathetic really.


Well if it's just class warfare it has failed miserably. There are still about 180 hunts meeting regularly in England in Wales.


To me this suggests that most of those who ride to the hunt do so for the thrill and enjoyment of a challenging ride rather than a depraved blood lust that is so often attributed to them.

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Well if it's just class warfare it has failed miserably. There are still about 180 hunts meeting regularly in England in Wales.


To me this suggests that most of those who ride to the hunt do so for the thrill and enjoyment of a challenging ride rather than a depraved blood lust that is so often attributed to them.


So they won't mind drag hunting then will they? So no need or reason to tear an animal to pieces? Excellent.

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To me this suggests that most of those who ride to the hunt do so for the thrill and enjoyment of a challenging ride rather than a depraved blood lust that is so often attributed to them.


That could well be true Greybeard, so why not leave the fox out of it and then everyone's happy?

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That could well be true Greybeard, so why not leave the fox out of it and then everyone's happy?



don't think fox hunting has ever gone away....people still do it...like hare coursing and dog fighting...it gets banned but certain people still do it wether it's unlawful or not...human nature...

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don't think fox hunting has ever gone away....people still do it...like hare coursing and dog fighting...it gets banned but certain people still do it wether it's unlawful or not...human nature...


Im near York and they are out here on wednesdays, if anyone wants to come and see what they are hunting.

Its still the fox.


I agree, but Cameron isn't advocating illegal fox hunting I hope!

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Fox hunting has a purpose, to control fox numbers, this is why it is different from your list.


Once again - the purpose of fox-hunting is not pest-control. Why don't you give up trying to prove what cannot be proven?

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Once again - the purpose of fox-hunting is not pest-control. Why don't you give up trying to prove what cannot be proven?


It is for pest control. It is however in some cases for pleasure which I have openly condemned.


Fox hunting IS used for pest control as I am proof of that very fact! Stop trying to tell me what I know when you have no experience of the subject! Why did the RSPCA use huntsman and hounds to clear foxes from islands in Scotland to help protect endangered ground nesting birds?

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I remember watching an interview with MP's when the commons and the lords where playing tennis with the bill.


One Labour MP said "This is about who runs this country, us or the bloody toffs". Notice the total lack of a fox mentioned in his comments. He was more worried about getting one up on the Lords than the welfare of a fox.


The fox hunting bill was nothing more than reverse snobbery by a bunch of socialist MP's who wanted to stamp their authority on our countries judicial system.


I can see why Cameron wants to reverse this ruling as it does nothing to protect foxes what so ever and only serves to appease a small number of blinkered voters. If foxes need protecting, then we should protect them within current legislation or put a limit on numbers to be culled, licensing huts etc.

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