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Conservatives vow to bring back hunting with dogs

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Your point of view is invalid as you try to portray a tradition you have no first hand understanding of. You claim to know more about fox hunting from your position of never having been involved than a person who grew up around them and has participated.


You’re the worst kind of know it all who would see their point of view imposed on others even when you have no real knowledge. It’s laughable but not uncommon coming from the plethora of armchair experts we have on this forum.


I have first hand knowlegde of it, I was taking a walk with some of my family on boxing day last year near Keswick when a hunt came past us chasing a fox. I also have the perspective of farmers as both of my parents come from farming families and neither are under the illusion that hunting with dogs is an effective way to control the fox population.

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Foxes may be a pest to farmers, but hunting is nothing at all to do with pest control, it is about the joy of killing an animal.


You are quite right of course. However, people who enjoy killing foxes in this manner will never admit it.

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Former stag hunter and fox hunter David Cameron is planning to allow a free

vote in the commons to repeal the ban on hunting with dogs act which was brought in by Labour.See article below (from Yahoo News) :



StoryThe Tories would use a government bill in government time to overturn the hunting ban, shadow environment secretary Nick Herbert has confirmed.

Mr Herbert said the Hunting Act was an "ass" as it had not saved the life of a single fox and hunt membership had actually increased.


Tory leader David Cameron has described the ban as a "farce" and said he would hold a Commons vote on repealing the act if the Conservatives were elected.


There was speculation in recent weeks that this would be done through a backbench private member's bill, which would have less chance of becoming law due to a lack of parliamentary time.


But writing in the Sunday Telegraph, Mr Herbert said: "There is a compelling case to sweep this law off the statute book.


"That is why David Cameron has said that, if we are elected, we will give Parliament the opportunity to repeal the Hunting Act on a free vote, with a government bill in government time. There will be no watering down or retreat from this pledge, which will be repeated in our election manifesto."


He said some people argued that the Hunting Act was so ineffective that it might as well be left on the statute book. "But this is bad law, and bad laws should be repealed. While prosecutions have so far mainly failed, it is the professional hunt staff, whose livelihoods depend on their employment, who have found themselves in the dock and who still fear arrest, with all the worry and opprobrium that very public and drawn-out prosecutions entail."


Mr Herbert said Labour's hunting ban was an "act of spite" which "attempted to create two nations, dividing town and country".


He said: "It treated the rural minority with contempt, bordering on hatred. I will certainly vote for repeal, and so I hope will a majority of the new Commons. And with no more ado we can then move on, forging a positive agenda for conservation and the countryside, and putting the politics of prejudice and division behind us."


Labour MP Emily Thornberry said attempting to overturn the hunting ban was the "wrong battle for any serious government to fight in 2010". She said: "What does it say about Cameron that while Gordon Brown has thrown his full weight behind tackling the recession and securing the recovery for Britain, Cameron would throw his weight behind a move to bring back hunting?"


This "government" continues it's relentless march towards the creation of a police-state...




...and all you're concerned with is hunting with dogs.


It's true what they say, the people get a government they deserve.

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This "government" continues it's relentless march towards the creation of a police-state...




...and all you're concerned with is hunting with dogs.


It's true what they say, the people get a government they deserve.


But what did we do to deserve you?

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I had a big argument with someone who was pro fox hunting as being a city boy I thought the idea was horrible. Eventually after getting very drunk I agreed to go on one to see what it was like. Holding me to it I eventually went a month later. I have to admit it was fantastic fun and the farmers and country folk all loved us, never went again unfortunately as the ban quickly followed. Incidentally may mate had been going for years and said there may be better ways to control the foxes but none were as much fun...at least he was honest.


End the ban!!:thumbsup:

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As someone pointed out, you dont have to be a peadofile to have an opinion on it and to know its wrong.


No, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but you cannot claim to know everything there is about the subject if you have never participated. We all have opinions on many subjects but I would not be so bold as to tell someone directly involved in something, that I know more than they. Berlin is an outsider looking in making claims she cannot corroborate what-so-ever.


Berlin is regurgitating second hand information while I am speaking of first hand experiences. Believe who you will.

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