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Conservatives vow to bring back hunting with dogs

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EH! Last time I looked they were both illegal and I was referring to the historical perspective. :rolleyes:




Eh! the fact that the people are rich or otherwise has nothing to do with it. It's not barbaric because they are rich just as Badger Baiting isn't classed as Barbaric because it proponents were/are poor.

Oh and by the way as previously stated? Fox hunting with dogs IS ILLEGAL. :rolleyes:




Rightly so.


Really dont get any of your arguments, and/or whether they are arguments. Fox hunting is illegal but may well be made legal again which is what we are discussing (just to clarify for you)


Class does have something to do with it because the only reason it may become legal is that rich people like it.


Noone else was talking about badger baiting but when you bought it up I agreed it was barbaric and it is illegal. If rich people liked this we would probably be arguing over it so again effectively it is illegal because rich people don't like it


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Hunting with dogs and killing the thing in a few seconds is sooo yesterday. The way we do things today is shoot it with a shotgun, hope to get a good clean shot and if not, it just creeps off and bleeds to death in pain for hours on hours anyway.


Then perhaps we should have tighter controls on who is actually allowed to shoot them, ie not people who couldn't hit the side of a barn with a spade.


Anyway, don't the dogs still retrieve the fox's body so they can go through all the daft stuff like wiping it's blood on their children's faces?

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Yes of course they are but I would imagine that the middle to upper class opponents of Badger baiting wouldn't include in their argument for abolition, the fiscal standing of its proponents. To do so brings in the issue of class envy and detracts from the real issue.


No it doesn't. It simply helps explain why Cameron supports to return of hunting with dogs. He's just playing to the gallery of his core supporters.

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Hunters "throwing their weight around" in marginal constituencies08 March 2010 UK

A dossier of evidence published today shows hunt supporters are being organised into groups to target marginal constituencies where pro-hunting candidates are standing.


The charity has obtained documents from various hunts around the country, including the Avon Vale Hunt in Wiltshire, the East Kent Hunt, and the North Lonsdale Foxhounds in Cumbria, in which hunt supporters are asked to volunteer time to campaign and post leaflets for pro-hunting candidates.


“We would urge people to find out where their local candidates stand on hunting with dogs by visiting our website at http://www.keepcrueltyhistory.com, and making sure their candidates know their constituent’s views. The polling we published last month shows there’s no public appetite for a return to hunting,” a spokesman for the League Against Cruel Sports said.


A letter sent out by the Herefordshire-based Ledbury Hunt states: “we must all do everything we can not just to support our own local candidate but also give help with canvassing in nearby marginal constituencies.”


The League Against Cruel Sports spokesman described the tactics as the latest act of ‘desperation’ by the hunting community. “Before the Hunting Act came into force, thousands of hunters signed a commitment to break the law. Many have done so. The fact that they now are throwing their weight around marginal constituencies shows just how desperate they have got.”


Opinion polling conducted each month by YouGov for the League Against Cruel Sports, show that on average over two and a half times as many people disagree with lifting the ban than would support such a move. Over the last eight months, roughly two thirds of people have consistently said that they approve of the ban.

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"The conservatives will call a vote on hunting with dogs and enable MP's to vote with their conscience, not the party line".


That would more accurate a thread title.


As the hunting ban has not saved a single Fox from being dispatched in ways that cause far more suffering I think it’s good a future conservative government will enable parliament to act democratically to counter the un-democratic use of the Parliament act by Labour when they knew they would never get the law passed.

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Maybe we should introduce hunting Conservatives with dogs, if they think this such a humane and enjoyable sport?


Who mentioned it was enjoyable?


Its not the conservatives who say hunting with dogs is the humane method, that was the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.


"Hunting by hounds is the most natural and humane way of controlling the population of all four quarry species - fox, deer, hare and mink - in the countryside."


In fact members of League Against Cruel Sports, including two Chief Executives left the organisation saying the league has no interest in animal welfare when running it's campaigns.

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The one good thing about this proposal is that it will lose the Tories thousands of votes. Decent people are against torturing animals for fun.


Time and time again the Tories show how babaric they are and still deserve the title NASTY PARTY. We must never ever let this savage mob back into government.

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Fox hunting is illegal but may well be made legal again which is what we are discussing (just to clarify for you)
If you're going to join in with an argument, perhaps you'd do well to get your facts straight - Fox hunting is not illegal. It's legal within a collection of constraints which are detrimental to the fox population, which is exactly why the act should be repealed


The act has brought about the deaths of far more foxes than occurred prior to the ban thanks to the requirement for them to be shot - which does not discriminate between the fit and healthy, and the old and sick, which despatch by hounds did


The hunting act is protecting nothing (no animal) so achieves nothing

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