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Conservatives vow to bring back hunting with dogs

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They don’t ALL dress up like that. You’re commenting on media reports and the usual anti-fox hunting propaganda which is an alliance between those who see fox hunting as the exclusive domain of the rich and knee jerk animal cruelty angle. Neither of which are valid.


Not all fox hunts wear red coats, in fact even the traditional ones not all members wear red. Dress is also dependant on the season, with tweed and other colours also worn. Sometimes green is worn and even the breeches or jodhpurs can be different in colour from hunt to hunt.


Some people see the red coat and have the same reaction as seeing the likes of Cameron and Osborne wearing their Bullingdon Club tails. Unfortunately those people will never see that their focus on such a trivial aspect as the reason why they are not taken seriously.


Yeah we've all got access to gear like that haven't we.


BTW I though it was "hunting pink", not red.


Personally I'd see it as sad if the hunting tradition was lost.

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I think I'd quite like to go hunting one day.
I'd love a go at hunting for food. Lamping for rabbits etc for maybe hunting dear before using the meat for a nice recipe of some sort. Hunting an animal you have no use for such as hunting foxes or badgers however seems such a wasteful and pointless exercise.
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"Red coat" comments = reverse snobbery

In this context i am far from a 'class warrior'. My disdain is for all people who enjoy watching an animal suffer; rich or poor, old and young, posh and ... not posh. If they get their jollies by causing pain they are sick.

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Foxes are a pest to farmers, and hunting with dogs is the most humane/efficient way of killing them.


Shooting is much more efficient and much more humane. Foxes are not a serious pest, or hunts wouldn't have to create artificial earths to introduce foxes (pests) to rural areas, as they have done in the past.


Most British foxes live in cities, well away from the Sherry drinking pinkcoats.

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Shooting is much more efficient and much more humane. Foxes are not a serious pest, or hunts wouldn't have to create artificial earths to introduce foxes (pests) to rural areas, as they have done in the past.


Most British foxes live in cities, well away from the Sherry drinking pinkcoats.


Shooting foxes is NOT the most humane method of dispatches there is no guarantee of a kill, where as if the hounds catch the fox it is killed almost instantly. A fox with a gunshot wounded can live for hours even days before dying from either blood loss of blood poisoning, both of which are far more painful for the fox.

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A competent shot will kill a fox with one shot. An incompetent shot may well make a hash of it.


What is humane about chasing a fox to exhaustion? Depending on the length of the hunt, the fox may be in fear of its life for quite some time.


And hunting with dogs isn't really "efficient" as stated earlier in the thread either.


Pinks or pink coats, btw - it's not a reference to the colour (they can be black), but more of a shibboleth to exclude outsiders (aka snobbery).

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A competent shot will kill a fox with one shot. An incompetent shot may well make a hash of it.


How many marksman have you spoken too about this subject? I'm betting none as your assertion is completely wrong.


Foxes are nocturnal in the large part - So hard to find.

Foxes are very shy and will see you before you see them and be gone - So you have to be a very long way off to take the shot.

Foxes have a truly awesome sense of smell, they smell you before you could even see them in the distance - Again you have to be so far away, the likelihood of a clean kill is dramatically reduced.


The fact is no marksman can guarantee a 100% kill rate, but if the fox is caught the hounds will kill the fox within a approx 1 second on 100% of the occasions.


What is humane about chasing a fox to exhaustion? Depending on the length of the hunt, the fox may be in fear of its life for quite some time.


Does a fox not do this to its prey? Does a fox not chase a rabbit to exhaustion?


And hunting with dogs isn't really "efficient" as stated earlier in the thread either.


It depends on what you consider as efficient. The numbers of those hunted and killed is low, but the efficiency of the kill is 100% for those caught. Unlike shooting or even trapping.


Pinks or pink coats, btw - it's not a reference to the colour (they can be black), but more of a shibboleth to exclude outsiders (aka snobbery).


I have been on a hunt and I am not posh as you would put it. Have you ever asked to be part of a hunt?


Lastly your argument seems to base itself on the idea that shooting is more humane or that huting with hounds is inhumane. However it’s not just me who disagrees with this statement it is the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons who have said hunting with dogs is the most humane method of fox control.

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