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Conservatives vow to bring back hunting with dogs

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Your friend should invest in better fencing.


How many lambs and chickens do hares take? Why the need to chase them with packs of dogs.....oh, I know, sport!



Spot on, how many lambs or chickens do stags take either? all these fancy arguments but basically it's just about satisfying their blood lust.

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The common belief that foxes take lambs is largely a myth. In the days when lambs were born out in the fields foxes would certainly hang around at lambing time, but their target was the afterbirth not the lamb. Occasionally they might get a very sickly lamb but only after it had been abandoned by its mother, sheep will always vigorously defend a lamb against a threatening fox.


The greatest damage from foxes is their predation on ground-nesting birds like Skylark, Lapwing and Curlew etc. stealing the eggs and chicks from the nests.


Most of these birds are rarely seen these days because their nesting sites have been destroyed by intensive farming and the foxes have migrated to easier pickings in suburban bins.

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And so it should be scrapped -it was only implemented in the first place to appease the Liberal elite .


Having a family member who is a farmer i can tell you Foxes are vermin ,and kill more Lambs and chickens than you could believe. A fox ,in one night can kill an entire coup full of chickens or hens . it wont take one ,it will keep coming back until it has killed them all.


I dont really give a bugger for the fox, cute as they may be, what concerns me are people who have to celebrate/glorify killing anything. They dont even eat the darn thing.


If rat catchers ran around our suburban streets dressed in that kind of livery, chanting, blowing horns and 'blooding' their offspring with the torn apart carcass, my view would be the same.

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If foxhunting was about efficiently dispatching vermin, they'd use lurchers. The fact that they don't says everything about the hunt. It isn't pest control, its ritualised animal torture


Good point libuse, I didnt know foxhounds weren't especially suited for the job of catching foxes.

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Do I hunt foxes?...No

Do I ride horses?....No

Do I have a problem with the people that do?....No

Will the fox become extinct?....No

Is it the best and most efficient method of control?....No

Is it any of my business?....No


So on that basis you would support people's rights to fight dogs if they wanted to?

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Lets waste even more parliamentary time on something that doesn't matter.


Aim4 - I did say that when they banned it, too!


Does anything that happens in parliament actually matter?


Parliamentary time wouldn't be a problem if they weren't in recess for most of the year.

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