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Conservatives vow to bring back hunting with dogs

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In the strictest sense.

In the context of the fox being a pest?


The fox is an opportunist animal, not an out-right predator. He will kill and eat chickens when he gets the chance, but he won't problem solve to eat from a secure coup. If the effort that goes into organising, hunting and killing foxes was turned around and put into securing chickens then there would be no problems at all. This isn't fun though, there is no party atmosphere around protecting livestock. The hunt is much more enjoyable.

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And so it should be scrapped -it was only implemented in the first place to appease the Liberal elite .


Having a family member who is a farmer i can tell you Foxes are vermin ,and kill more Lambs and chickens than you could believe. A fox ,in one night can kill an entire coup full of chickens or hens . it wont take one ,it will keep coming back until it has killed them all.


so very true


How can running a terrified animal to exhaustion then tearing it apart while alive and unable to run any more be humane in any possible way?

And in what way is it efficient? the hunters seem to have little respect for property either on the happy rides out, come on lets call it what it is...it is a tradition and a barbaric, unnecessary one at that!


years a go i used to feel the same about fox hunting, i hated it, but then my cat got torn apart by a fox, seen by my neighbour in her garden in the early hours, then get this......... it killed her then just left her there, so didnt even do it for food, it was just because it could:mad:


i know it nature and we cant stop it and ive had understood more if done to feed its young, but no just for the hell of it:(


now im in a new house and can look out my bedroom window late at night and many times ive seen a pack of them, on my garden, sniffing around, they are here as they know cats live here, and they keep coming back, and they will until they get what they want, my babies, so now im terrifed when i call them to come in when im gona bed and they dont, i cant sleep knowing they are in danger:rant:


so now my view has changed on fox hunting, bring it back, cut down on the vermin, harsh i know but still this is how i feel now.........coz if id seen the fox who killed my baby id have shot it my bloomin self:rant:

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years a go i used to feel the same about fox hunting, i hated it, but then my cat got torn apart by a fox

I think there is a slight irony that you saw a cat being killed by a cruel cruel animal. It's hardly like cats are warm loving animals to things smaller than them. I have cats too, this is no reason to hunt foxes.

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im just saying how i feel, no ones really devastated by a mouse or bird being caught by a cat, but loosing part of a family like a cat it devastating, it was for me and my kids, like i said, i used to think different

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