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Can Anyone Remember Handsworth Coal Mine

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good pictures, the house at the coal depot is the one I asked about in an earlier post, Waverley house. It appears to be the tramway managers house.

My earlier question, where does waverley come from

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on the 1901 plan, the halfway house is shown opposite the coal depot.

cat 631

can you rescan the high hazel plan please going a bit further north, as far as where the trading estate is now.


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Hello Tooeg, I hope these are the areas you require.

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on the 1901 plan, the halfway house is shown opposite the coal depot.

cat 631

can you rescan the high hazel plan please going a bit further north, as far as where the trading estate is now.



Yes you're right.The coal depot must have been where the houses on Senior Road are now.

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My mate Ernest Smith worked at the Nunnery until it closed,he was a Bevin Boy, and used to tell us of the rush to get a pint at the Norfolk Arms after finishing on "Afters",remember the pubs called time at 10pm in those days, and the landlord would line pints up all across the bar in preparation for the rush, and some could down two sometimes three pints in the few minutes before time was called

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Im using my wifes handle on this thread as I dont have one.My dad worked in the nunnery pit from 1924 to 1960 but worked on the top for a couple of years because of ill health. Can anyone remember what was known as the "drug road"? This was the cable that full coal tubs were lashed to and transported from Nunnery to Waverely. Also can anyone remember the pit ponies that were brought up from the pit for 2 weeks every year during the summer and put to graze on the field at the side of the drug road. Mining was in the blood in our family as it was in a lot of Handsworth families. Myself and my brother both worked at Orgreave, though he was a deputy and I was a fitter, I went to Brookhouse when Orgreave closed, and finished when it shut completely. When we were kids, me and all the lads used to play in Badgers farm and Nuttalls scrap yard. Im 57 now and it seems like yesterday, Handsworth was like a giant playground. Oh happy days.

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finchwell is actually the original well for the area it is still visibal in the grounds of my origanal home


We used to go to the well as kids to see the fish. I think it was it Len who lived in one of the cottages that put them in wasnt it?

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doyle,im sure i remember seeing the pit ponies all decked out in high hazels park when we used to have the whitsuntide parades,i also used to play about in nuttalls scrap yard as a kid,we used to walk through bowden wood to get there, it seems like yesterday but it was well over 40 years ago

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doyle,im sure i remember seeing the pit ponies all decked out in high hazels park when we used to have the whitsuntide parades,i also used to play about in nuttalls scrap yard as a kid,we used to walk through bowden wood to get there, it seems like yesterday but it was well over 40 years ago


I dont thnk it was the pit ponies that would have been at High Hazels Park because they only come out in the summer period for 2 weeks and when they did they had about 6 layers of blindfolds on and they removed them 1 day at a time to get them used to the light it was quite cruel but the man that looked after them in the stables in the mine looked after them fantastic. I was born in Handsworth and I am 57 now but I agree it does seem like yesterday.

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