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Bigots at large (inc GLB thread)...

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I have removed the link to my website since I have received messages to my site email account containing offensive, bigoted, homophobic and sexist material.


This has happened since I responded to a post regarding the lesbian and gay scene in Sheffield.


I am fully aware that the person expressing these views is a much lesser person than I am in that he feels he is entitled to send me torrents of abuse purely on the basis of one aspect of my life.


I am also aware that his preoccupation with this area of my life suggests he has some "issues" around this area too, or at least that is what much research on the subject suggests.


I will not apologise for my sexuality. I will not be made to feel like I need to.


I know I will have support here on this issue, and I also know that others will not agree that I deserve as much respect as heterosexuals. However this is their issue, not mine.


I have been attacked enough on this issue through my life. I could let it destroy me or I can let it make me stronger and more determined to fight for what I believe in, and every aspect of it.


I am strong. You will not stop me posting. I have as much right to be here as anyone else.


Thank you for reading.

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Has it deffinately come from a member of the sheffield forum?


Is it deffinately a he? It could also be a she.


I do feel it's outragous in this day and age, that people still feel it necessary to attempt to tale pleasure in the ridicule of another just becuase he/she happens to be either homosexual, black, disabled etc.


Can you not contact the ISP you received these messages from and have this person stopped?

If it's through your website, there must be a way of tracking this persons IP address. Maybe you could share the info with Geoff and he may know who's behind it using this method.


On the flip side he may not want to get involved.


Are these mesages very offensive or just a matter of someones own opinion? Some people can take things the wrong way sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I am not doubting you. I just like to make sure I know the facts before guns blazing (which I have neglected to do in the past).

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Who ever did it should be repremanded. I woulkd forward the email to his internet service provider and dempending on the wording the police. It should be covered as a hate crime.


If you want to know how to find out who his internet service provider is i can help you. In fact i would be very pleased to handle that end for you if you want.


Keep your chin up, not everybody is like that.

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Sorry to hear about your news, it is a bit of a worry especially if it is from a forum member and even more so if it is a regular.


Whoever did this should be banned from this site - if that can be done of course.


Don't let it put you of posting and don't tar the rest of us with the same brush.



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Purplepippa we may not see eye to eye on some issues but I am very sorry to hear about these disguting messages you have been getting. There is no excuse for them they are just pure filth.


I would second the others in that you need to report them to the ISP and get them to take some action.


Your sexuality is of no concern to anyone else and I'm happy to see that you are strong enough not to let them bother you.


Good luck!



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Wouldn't it be a boring old world if everyone looked the same felt the same and did the same. The fact that we are not all the same is what makes this world what it is. Instead of critisising someone who is "different" these bigots should learn to benefit from the "differences" You have my support. I hope this hate mail stops as it can be very hurtful. Just a thought. What would happen I wonder if we all woke up one day and the tables had been turned and heterosexuality was the "unnatural thing" and all the heterosexual people in the world were treat the same way as homosexuals have been treated. mmmmm

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Along with the others here I too agree that this is unacceptable behaviour.


Can you identify the person involved? If you can then report them to their ISP as they have almost certainly violated their terms and conditions of acceptable usage.



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Pippa.......... let me start by stating what total rubbish you have received. DELETE it. These people are the scum of the earth and should not be allowed a computer.

Also on another note - after reading a post from a member on another board, I am pretty sure I can guess who it is.

I am sure you are strong enough to ignore this person, don't let it get you down.



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