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Bigots at large (inc GLB thread)...

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Originally posted by mslotus

Think I can guess who as well. He is bigoted in a lot of ways.


This is not just aimed at you mslotus, but could people please refrain from accussing anyone without EVIDENCE.


I know no one has been accussed but I don't want to have to start editing or pulling this thread because someone makes unfounded accussations.




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I wouldn't delete the messages. Get someone with the knowhow to have a go at tracing the person.


As for the person who did it? I truely don't get it. Most people nowadays are fairly relaxed about people being gay. Personally I think (s)he must be having some sort of sexuality crisis (although they probably don't even realise it), which is making them angry and mixed up. Whoever you are, don't go taking it out on someone just because they have learn to embrace their own sexuality. If you are having "doubts" why not talk about it? I'm sure you'll feel a lot less angry once you accept who you are and come out.

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Sorry to hear about your experience Purplepippa. It is inexcusable to bombard you with this sort of material because of your sexuality.


I wouldn't dare speculate as to who this might be from, I just hope that it's not a contributor to this forum.


:evil: :evil:

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Pippa - I hope you havent been upset by the messages or emails as youre right about being a better person than they are. I thought your website was really good as you know i went on it last night as i go on most websites by forum people (im just too damn nosey) Its a shame you have to delete it from your profile.

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Hi everyone,


Thanks so much for the supportive replies, I really appreciate them.


I do want to say though, please please don't start making guesses / allegations about who this is. This will just antagonise people and cause more upset.


Even I don't know who it is. The emails came from someone using a pseudonym (a pretty hateful one) and though I can be sure it is connected to this forum because there was a direct reference to my posts here, we do not even know if it is someone who posts here. It could be an unregistered member who reads or has just read a few threads.


Admittedly when I first read them my head started spinning about who it could be. I silently considered various members. But then I realised that that was really wrong and any kind of suspicions or accusations without evidence were really unfair and certainly divisive.


The emails were horrible. Full of hate and violence. Had I had the presence of mind I would have analysed the headers and contacted the person's ISP without hesitation. But I was so taken aback and hurt that I just deleted them.


If I receive any more, however, I will track them down via the headers and their ISP will be notified.


Thanks again for all the support,


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