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Bigots at large (inc GLB thread)...

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Live your life purplepippa. Remember "GAY" means "good as you" or in this case better than you. I agree we should not start blaming without evidence. Trace this person if you can.


The world will never be without bigots unfortunately that is part of life's rich tapestry but it also means there are people like you. All we can do is be ourselves and you seem to have that covered. Good for you:lol:

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PurplePippa, having just looked at your site, it seems you have a yahoo account by which the person (I assume) sent you the email?


I too have a yahoo account (mainly for spam), and when I delete and email, it goes into a 'trash' folder. And not permanently delelted until that is emptied. Have a look to see if it's there.


If not contact yahoo and ask if there is a way for the emails to be retreived.


Just a thought.

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Originally posted by purplepippa

I have removed the link to my website since I have received messages to my site email account containing offensive, bigoted, homophobic and sexist material.


This has happened since I responded to a post regarding the lesbian and gay scene in Sheffield.


I am fully aware that the person expressing these views is a much lesser person than I am in that he feels he is entitled to send me torrents of abuse purely on the basis of one aspect of my life.


I am also aware that his preoccupation with this area of my life suggests he has some "issues" around this area too, or at least that is what much research on the subject suggests.


I will not apologise for my sexuality. I will not be made to feel like I need to.


I know I will have support here on this issue, and I also know that others will not agree that I deserve as much respect as heterosexuals. However this is their issue, not mine.


I have been attacked enough on this issue through my life. I could let it destroy me or I can let it make me stronger and more determined to fight for what I believe in, and every aspect of it.


I am strong. You will not stop me posting. I have as much right to be here as anyone else.


Thank you for reading.



I know you probably think it is me because I made a 'joke' in the chat room last night. Believe me though, it wasn't me. Theres a huge gulf between poking a little fun in a chat room and bombarding someone with abusive and offensive messages via a website. You should be able to contact your ISP on this issue and using their email address that they used to email from you should have no trouble finding out their IP address and banning them from this forum (if they're a forum go-er).

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Originally posted by purplepippa

Hi everyone,


Thanks so much for the supportive replies, I really appreciate them.


I do want to say though, please please don't start making guesses / allegations about who this is. This will just antagonise people and cause more upset.


Even I don't know who it is. The emails came from someone using a pseudonym (a pretty hateful one) and though I can be sure it is connected to this forum because there was a direct reference to my posts here, we do not even know if it is someone who posts here. It could be an unregistered member who reads or has just read a few threads.


Admittedly when I first read them my head started spinning about who it could be. I silently considered various members. But then I realised that that was really wrong and any kind of suspicions or accusations without evidence were really unfair and certainly divisive.


The emails were horrible. Full of hate and violence. Had I had the presence of mind I would have analysed the headers and contacted the person's ISP without hesitation. But I was so taken aback and hurt that I just deleted them.


If I receive any more, however, I will track them down via the headers and their ISP will be notified.


Thanks again for all the support,




This really is bad. I hope I wasn't one of the names that went through your head but with my reputation on here and sometimes ignorant comments I suppose I probably was. Again, though, it wasn't me and I hope you are able to verify who it was so appropriate action can be taken against this person. Best of luck.

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Hey Girl


Get your chin up


See how many people have defended you today


Bigots are in the minority and thank God for that (well I will, most folks on here are atheists, probably not my best choice of phrasing, but will let it pass)


I doubt if it was any of our regular posters, they dont feel the need to be anonymous with their vitriol so they wouldnt need to start being so with you.


I expect you are right in saying that some Nazi has searched for his personal key words, found your post on our Forum through Google and then tried to do you over.


Best response is to ignore him, and it will be a him, women dont get upset about other women being gay, as a rule, becaue there is no obvious physical threat to them (to state the blindingly obvious)


You already did the right thing, to have answered would only have excited him or made him worse.


I hope you make it tomorrow night and I bet I will be only the first of many who will want to buy you a drink and give you a hug




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Originally posted by LouiseB

Best response is to ignore him, and it will be a him, women dont get upset about other women being gay, as a rule, becaue there is no obvious physical threat to them (to state the blindingly obvious)

That p*sses me off!


Can you not comprehend for once in your mind... the teeniest tiniest possibility that it could be a woman. Men aren't always to blame Louise.

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

That p*sses me off!


Can you not comprehend for once in your mind... the teeniest tiniest possibility that it could be a woman. Men aren't always to blame Louise.




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