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Bigots at large (inc GLB thread)...

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Originally posted by Zamo

I'm sure nobody wanted to extinguish your warm glow Louise. We were just having a little fun - my apologies if it got out of hand.


Agreed, it is fun to say things that we know will be deliberately inflammatory to others... that's why I would not want you to stop making your patronising, opinionated and misandrist postings (joke!).:lol: :lol:


If I can get away for a while tonight, I shall come to the SF bash and buy you a large one - we'll soon get that warm glow back!


awww.........thanks *blush* - hope you do anyway, want to hear how you have got on making contact with other Eagles fans

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I want to know what other forum readers think about Gay people. Myself being gay, it is very interesting to see other peoples thoughts and opinions, perhaps sparking some debates.


Also why does society seem to accept lesbians more than gay men? Could it be help from the porn industry? Is it seen less hardcore? less explicit? Or perhaps its down to the general fantasy of straight men - girl on girl


Help me try and figure this out, or tell me if you think i'm wrong.

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Originally posted by max

I'm with Louise on political correctness. Is it pc to stand up for people who cannot defend themselves, to protest when people use inappropriate language? I would have thought by now people would have got out of the habit of countering criticism by flinging accusations of political correctness around.

Correcting people for using "inappropriate language" is one thing but what about when fncky thingmajig (sorry I can't remember your name!) said it was a Kosovan who tried to rob his house? He later admitted his description of the would-be thief should have been of "Balken origin" but that wasn't good enough for some who implied it was some sort of "Freudian slip", proving he was racist!


To my mind his "accusers" were deliberately focusing on a political correctness misdemeanour to try win the argument - it had nothing to do with standing up for people who can't defend themselves.

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I don't consider people's sexuality when I meet or talk to them and that includes male/female. People are people.


IMO the reason that homophobic people have more of a problem with male on male sex is, apart from the latent homosexuality debated on another thread, the penetrative implications involved. Another reason may be that in Victorian times one activity was criminalised and the other wasn't. If apocryphal stories are to be believed this was because the prime minister of the day could not include it in the statue as Queen Vic would not accept that the practice happened.

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I think the reason lesbians are more accepted does have a lot to do with the porn industry. It's quite a big male fantasy to see two girls together, although the lesbian action you see on a porn film is way off the mark I'm sure. Generally porn is made by men for men, their idea of what lesbians do is no doubt totally untrue but men like to think of lesbians as the girls they see in the vids.


Society has allowed this distortion to go on for a very long time, making lesbians acceptable to men and also women, although I'm not sure women have as much prejudice against homosexuals anyway.


I think the reason gay men aren't viewed in the same light is because straight men aren't turned on by the thought of two men in bed and I don't think many women are either. Straight men and women don't tend to watch gay porn etc...and so it hasn't become accepted by society.


I'm sure the porn industry isn't the only reason for the double standard though.

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As for Lesbians being accepted more i would say it's part fantasy and part a perceived threat to masculinity.


I think the BIG question about this subject is always going to be genetic or lifestyle? I firmly believe in genetic pre-disposition, but i have known many people (some being gay) who don not think so. I have met gay people who are angry when you suggest gay men are slightly different genetically than a hetro male. I think it's because homophobes use that and make it in to an argument for being gay being a genetic flaw, not sure.

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Originally posted by Zamo

Correcting people for using "inappropriate language" is one thing but what about when fncky thingmajig (sorry I can't remember your name!) said it was a Kosovan who tried to rob his house? He later admitted his description of the would-be thief should have been of "Balken origin" but that wasn't good enough for some who implied it was some sort of "Freudian slip", proving he was racist!


To my mind his "accusers" were deliberately focusing on a political correctness misdemeanour to try win the argument - it had nothing to do with standing up for people who can't defend themselves.

I'm with Zamo on this one Max.


It seems that sometimes people use political correctness in an attempt to accuse another forum member as racist, just because he/she didn't use a term deemed 'more appropriate' by the government.


In the end, over political correctness causes more barriers between races than actaul racism itself.


Some people use the term black to discribe the colour of someone skin. Others use the term coloured. Coloured was uses for many many years, until it was deemed not PC and we should use black instead.


I actually prefer ther term black instead of coloured but I wouldn't call someone racist becuase they used 'coloured'!

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Originally posted by Zamo

Correcting people for using "inappropriate language" is one thing but what about when fncky thingmajig (sorry I can't remember your name!) said it was a Kosovan who tried to rob his house? He later admitted his description of the would-be thief should have been of "Balken origin" but that wasn't good enough for some who implied it was some sort of "Freudian slip", proving he was racist!


To my mind his "accusers" were deliberately focusing on a political correctness misdemeanour to try win the argument - it had nothing to do with standing up for people who can't defend themselves.


This whole debate is based on standing up for people who cannot defend themselves. If that's political correctness then I'm guilty.


Nobody has answered my question about how do you distinguish people of Balkan origin fron people of neighbouring country origin. Probably because no-one can.


As for the other bit, fndky was accused of repeating racist views not of being a racist. Read the threads.


DB I wouldn't accuse anybody of being racist if they used the term coloured, neither would I expect them to accuse me of being politically correct for pointing out that it's a dated term no longer used.

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