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Bigots at large (inc GLB thread)...

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There is no shortage of debates about gays and lesbians on here, believe me!


I have half a dozen male friends who are gay, I cant think of any lesbian friends, in fact I am not sure I know any.


That is either because I am unobservant, or there arent many in my circles.


I dont know that I would want to generalise really about how I feel about gay people. I like people, whatever their sexuality.


I suppose if I am absolutely honest I see it as being a piece of information on a par with which football team someone supports, what they do for a living and which town they were born in, it is a piece of information that added to other pieces, helps me to form a picture on this person.


That is probably insulting....if so I beg forgiveness.


(I will admit to occasionally being fed up when a fanciable bloke turns out to be gay, that is when it carries the most significance)

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I agree with max.


Someone's sexuality is not of any of my concern when I meet another person. One of my good friends is a Gay man and I didn't know he was gay for at least the first 6 months of knowing him.


It doesn't bother me in the slightest. Why should it. You like who you like. So what!

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Originally posted by LouiseB

... Today though, for the first ever time, I felt something changed and it got personal and I have felt crap reading what some people have said about me and my views...[/b]


If you air your views publicly - then you should have the grace to accept criticism. Surely, if so many people disagree with you, then it may suggest that you hold the wrong view.


As they say: 'If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen'. The wiles of women, when in some kind of distress, never fail to amaze me.

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'but that wasn't good enough for some who implied it was some sort of "Freudian slip", proving he was racist!'



Sorry fella but that is not what happened at all. I think you owe me an apology now. Thats not why i was saying what he said could be read as being rasist at all! AND i made it very clear in the thread exactly why i made any form of link. But i didn't even call him rasist.


So rather than being PC, just try to be correct. And understand the difference between calling somebody something and saying what they said could be taken as being rasist.

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I have no problem with anyones sexuality, as long as they dont enforce it on me or anyone else for that, just as the same for religion. I have no problem with any religion as long as people dont thrust it down my throat.


Everyone has a right to do whatever they like with there life and finding there sexuality forms part of it.


As for the lesbian thing and how its a mans fantasy, I believe this is a load of rubbish, its not mine, I think it mainly stems from hype and boyish peer pressure.


Seeing two lesbians or gays getting off does nothing for me.

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Originally posted by Carlwarker

If you air your views publicly - then you should have the grace to accept criticism. Surely, if so many people disagree with you, then it may suggest that you hold the wrong view.


As they say: 'If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen'. The wiles of women, when in some kind of distress, never fail to amaze me.


Like the few people who disagreed with, and stood out against, the holocaust, perhaps?


And as for the dig about wiles of women, I would have expected better of you Carl.

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Originally posted by Carlwarker

If you air your views publicly - then you should have the grace to accept criticism. Surely, if so many people disagree with you, then it may suggest that you hold the wrong view.


As they say: 'If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen'. The wiles of women, when in some kind of distress, never fail to amaze me.


I did accept criticism, four times I said I was sorry and conceded the argument, and that was before you put your boot in.


which means you are obviously a bully

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Originally posted by back2basics

'but that wasn't good enough for some who implied it was some sort of "Freudian slip", proving he was racist!'



Sorry fella but that is not what happened at all. I think you owe me an apology now. Thats not why i was saying what he said could be read as being rasist at all! AND i made it very clear in the thread exactly why i made any form of link. But i didn't even call him rasist.


So rather than being PC, just try to be correct. And understand the difference between calling somebody something and saying what they said could be taken as being rasist.

Is this the post in question?


And I quote:

Originally posted by back2basics

He could have been of Kosovo decent and born in England. The Genetics would still be Kosovo if both his parents were from Kosovo. There are a hundred different connotations to this. But the guy didn't WANT to think about the other options even if he did think it looked Kosovo... he CHOSE not to think about other options, and again that says quiet a bit. That TO ME is rasism.


Note the end saying... ''That TO ME is racism'' (spelt rasism).

This could be a reason for it B2B.


Just an observation!

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Originally posted by back2basics

'but that wasn't good enough for some who implied it was some sort of "Freudian slip", proving he was racist!'



Sorry fella but that is not what happened at all. I think you owe me an apology now. Thats not why i was saying what he said could be read as being rasist at all! AND i made it very clear in the thread exactly why i was i mad any form of link. But i didn't even call him rasist.


So rather than being PC, just try to be correct. And understand the difference between calling somebody something and saying what they said could be taken as being rasist.


The phrase "splitting hairs" comes to mind. You said

To be fair i didn't actually call you a racist. I said what you are doing is the kind of behaviour i would call racist.
Too subtle a difference for me!
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Originally posted by max

... And as for the dig about wiles of women, I would have expected better of you Carl. [/b]


I was simply getting a dig in to counter-balance the many anti-male statements that have appeared throughout this thread. But, I stand by my statement - and I am sure that it IS the experience of many men.


And, ask for 'getting a boot in' (I don't even wear them, except for Carl Warking), and 'being a bully' - what hyperbole.


As far as political correctness is concerned - I see it as a very dangerous attitude - as it stifles free speech and debate.

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