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Is Derek Dooley Way dangerous?


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Like i said on another thread, there's no such thing as a dangerous road, just the numpties who drive on it and how they react to situations.


Its drivers attitudes that need changing, not the roads


I do agree on the point of "dangerous roads" - the road is not inherently dangerous.


However, I tend to avoid Derek Dooley Way on a bicycle at rush hour, and I can see why new drivers unused to driving unsupervised might be a little wary.


Mainly because I've seen many pillocks like denomis who think that because it's a "ring road" it must have a 50 limit. And also the drivers of a normally cautious but dangerously nervous disposition who, when faced with a lot of information (junctions etc) coupled with denomis roaring up their backsides, totally lose it in fear and panic, and start to do completely random things.

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Mainly because I've seen many pillocks like denomis who think that because it's a "ring road" it must have a 50 limit. And also the drivers of a normally cautious but dangerously nervous disposition who, when faced with a lot of information (junctions etc) coupled with denomis roaring up their backsides, totally lose it in fear and panic, and start to do completely random things.
Yes... and no. That road should not have a 50mph limit because it was badly "designed", what should have happened for that road to be convenient is for it to be design with a 50, 60 or 70mph limit and without the traffic lights and without the deviation from Wicker; then it'd might be convenient. As it is, the limit can't be upped to fifty because of the way it was built.
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Hold on a mo I know what the speed limit on the road


Never meant you didn't know what it was. You just choose to ignore it. Right, we got that.


and I don't "roar" up behind people I usually travel that road most days after midnight and it's empty


Oh, you mean when someone else might well be doing the same thinking that you won't be on the road at that time either, or a drunken pedestrian might stagger out...just a thought


I'm not an arse driver



Edited by Squiggs
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Yes... and no. That road should not have a 50mph limit because it was badly "designed", what should have happened for that road to be convenient is for it to be design with a 50, 60 or 70mph limit and without the traffic lights and without the deviation from Wicker; then it'd might be convenient. As it is, the limit can't be upped to fifty because of the way it was built.


how could it have been designed better, given the existing road layout and buildings?

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Hold on a mo I know what the speed limit on the road and I don't "roar" up behind people I usually travel that road most days after midnight and it's empty I'm not an arse driver tailgating drivers



so it was you who nearly ran me over the other night

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how could it have been designed better, given the existing road layout and buildings?
The Council smashed how many buildings, removed and blocked how many roads for this? Doing the right thing is no harder than that back lane they've built given they flattened everything in its way.
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  • 5 years later...

Looked like a nasty crash across from where the Tesco is earlier, causing a jam at the Wicker. Police and ambulance in attendance, and the fire brigade putting fire from the burning car out.

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