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Are you made to feel like an outcast in the foreign country you live in?

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Rog the thread is called are you made to feel an outcast in the fori----

And what certain people are trying to point out is why this situation comes about i don't suppose the same problem arise in the nice little office environments but in countries were migration has ALWAYS! affected the local manual workers most of all the problems always arise when the work slacks of and to many poorly paid workers are chasing the same jobs it happened in America and Germany in the thirties and it is happening now in the more established country,s of this stupid European Union.


I can't speak of the situation in Sheffield. I can say that in the part of Canada where I live, there are precious few decent jobs to be had anyway. People with higher education often leave for jobs in more prosperous parts of Canada, leaving the poorly paid unskilled jobs to the immigrant workers whose skills are undervalued. I know of a qualified engineer from another country who is cleaning buses for a living.

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I did mean the French sections of Canada Rog .being a nosy bugger when i meat up with any Foreigners i always like to ask them about there homeland and one or two Canadian people i have met have not spoken positively as to the French parts of Canada'


Shows you can't rely on the opinions of one or two people, cuttsie. The anti-French sentiment, such as it exists, tends to be concentrated in western parts of Canada such as Alberta where it goes along with right wing politics.

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Shows you can't rely on the opinions of one or two people, cuttsie. The anti-French sentiment, such as it exists, tends to be concentrated in western parts of Canada such as Alberta where it goes along with right wing politics.

OK, Rog maybe i will meet a few lefty Canadians before to long who knows it may be on Castlegate.

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OK, Rog maybe i will meet a few lefty Canadians before to long who knows it may be on Castlegate.


You'll be able to pick them out. They'll be wearing toques on their heads, muklucks on their feet, dressed like lumberjacks, and shouting things like "We want an organic market.Eh" and "Ban seal products in this market, Eh." Better to stay out of their way if they keep shouting while their mouths are full of fruit and nuts. Side spray, Eh. :hihi:

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Toronto beautiful? Guess it's in the eye of the beholder. I much prefer Ottawa as a city with style and amenities in Ontario. I also like Montreal, the old part of the city especially, but Quebec City is for me the nicest city in Quebec. Elsewhere in Canada, Vancouver has a spectacular mountainous backdrop but it's become far too ghettoized with too many high rises in recent years. Saskatoon surprised me as a fairly decent spot when I visited it. Then, of course, there are some great spots in the Maritime provinces. Halifax is a very nice city.
I have fond memories of the Grande Allee in Quebec City, and some of the finest dining in North America. The Winter Carnival and peewee hockey games with more ferocity than Canadiens versus the Maple Leafs, strolling the Heights of Abraham and a few too many wets in the Chateau Frontenac.:)Canada keeps its cities a lot cleaner than the US.
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me and my x partner whom i still keep in touch with went to kimberly up in the rockys it was christmas time and every canadian we met was so polite. on exmas eve we went to a pub called the zone we w got drinking with a large group of canadians they asked my partner what we was doing for exmas dinner she replied nothing ... ( were stopping in bed if you know wat i mean) having a quiet day as we every year did all the cooking for all the family. Their wasn't one couple on this very large table who didn't invite us to exmas dinner we replied this is very nice of you but we could not intrude on this family occasion. T he next morning being woke up by receptionist saying we had numerous messages, leaving their address telephone number and an invite to exmas dinner such nice people the canadians

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I've lived in Florida for 17 years and usually drive up to Canada for 3 months in the summer and I've had some bad experiences by American border guards. One through my British passport at me because I pointed out to him the wording on the inside of the front cover which asks such as him to allow unhindered passage. I have a green card and don't drink or smoke so there wasn't any contraband it's just these obnoxious people who have replaced the regular ones to try and improve security.


I lived in Spain for 11 years and would go back in a shot if I was younger, I'm 82 and just can't go through the business of trying to sell up in the present economic climate so I'm stuck in bloody Florida. The Governor was CEO of a hospital group which embezzled 300 million dollars from Medicare, that's how bad it is.

You've probably been confronting border people with a bad attitude. Your user name alone indicates a dislike for a country you've lived in for 17 years, so I doubt you've made many friends here. I have no love for Florida either, but visit because my son lives there. As for me, I love Connecticut and have been a Citizen since 1987. Go back to Spain and leave a little room for someone more deserving than you. 9/11 was no lie:mad:
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Only Brits seem snobbish about where people come from and their accent, Americans don't look down on any ones accent, i doubt if others countries do either, just England.


We northerners are totally aware that we have regional accents, however many southerners with strong southern accents, appear to consider themselves to be Queen's English speakers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's not the people who make you feel unwanted in America, it's the Government. Only small things like renewing a drivers licence or crossing the border from Canada. My wife got her licence re-newed locally but I had to drive 30 miles and then they didn't give it to like everybody else they posted it. This is obviously their way of avoiding fraud, so they claim but it gets up my nose.

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Oulà ! Ca chauffe..!


Been living in Paris for fifteen years and never experienced any real anti-British sentiment; quite the opposite actually; when folk hear my Yorkshire accent they immediately become curious; some try their English out on me which now I find quite flattering. In the early days here I was so determined to speak French that if anyone responded in English I took it as an insult that my French wasn't good enough. Now I just reply "wow, you speak good English" which usually scores points.

Amazing too once they find out I'm English just how many French people have a cousin or a sister who lives in "Portsmoose" or Brighton, or whom once visited London...

Just a couple of weeks ago I got let into a local (4th divison) soccer ground for half price because of my accent....


edit : corrected spelling and here's a moderately amusing thing - try getting a French person to pronounce "Rotherham"

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