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Are you made to feel like an outcast in the foreign country you live in?

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Originally posted by mrplodge

Fine but that was how it comes across. Thanks PJ

I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to sound that way. It was meant to be a diversion from all the arguments going on about immigrants in England. I think England is an extremely tolerant country when it comes to helping foreigners in distress. It doesn't happen that way in this country!:)
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  • 5 years later...
iv got nothing against any man any colour any creed but it says something when i lose another job because of cheep foreign labour

I havent lost a job due to cheap foriegn labour........swings n roundabouts innit?

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Lived in various parts of Canada for over 40 years and never felt unwelcome. The transition to Canadian life all those years ago was made easier because I moved to Vancouver, which at that time was a city teeming with immigrants of all nationalities, so I blended right in. After that, Newfoundland, which took some getting used to. Now, Prince Edward Island which is a delightful spot. But, always felt welcome.

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I've never lived abroad, but I work abroad and spend about half the year overseas. I actually like being a foreigner as I can be more myself than at home, where people try to slot you into their expectations and stereotypes.


There's a great sense of freedom when you're a foreigner.


There's very few places I've been where I have felt any sense of hostility because of being a foreigner. I had a couple of stroppy Libyans give me a hard time when the Lockerbie case was in the news and the UK was trying to extradite the suspects, but apart from that it's always been welcoming smiles.

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Don't forget to remind them that they are foreigners too tulip - unless of course they are 'Native Americans';)
I don't recommend you do that at all. I've lived here over 42 years, and have never felt unwelcome. Even the 'native Americans' walked across what is now the Bering Strait into Alaska from Siberia when it was still a land bridge. Where did your ancestors come from? Saxony ? Foreigner!
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One guy pulled his car up on the hard shoulder (I was hitching) of the M3 and just told me, in a quiet voice and without looking at me, to get out of the car. Just after I said I was Swedish. Weird.


Maybe he'd had a bad experience at IKEA?

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I have lived here in the States 13 years and have had very few problems. Funnily the only snubs I ever recieve are usually from other British people. I live near Proctor and Gamble world HQ and have met some very 'full of themselves', usually with that plummy private school accents execs in the local bars while they are here on business and when they hear my Sheffield accent they can be very condecending.

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The Canadian work force was very clanish when i arrived in 65 if you was not one of them it was impossible to work, by them i mean people of all races they seemed very scared and protected their jobs,but the only down right racist attitude came from a young scottish girl who had just watched a doc' on Bonnie Prince Charlie and all the Northumberland men tossing the Scottish babys in the air to catch on their swords, Icouldnt convince her I'd not stab a baby in a long time

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I have lived here in the States 13 years and have had very few problems. Funnily the only snubs I ever recieve are usually from other British people. I live near Proctor and Gamble world HQ and have met some very 'full of themselves', usually with that plummy private school accents execs in the local bars while they are here on business and when they hear my Sheffield accent they can be very condecending.


Thats so true isn't it ?, the only snubs I've had has been from Brits living in the US, The ones that have moved to fairfield county Connecticut anyhow, they seems to be quite wealthy and don't want to be bothered chatting with other Brits especially if you're from the North :roll:, some Brits can really put on a posh accent too for the Americans, little do they know the Americans could care less, they like Brits no matter where there from.

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