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Are you made to feel like an outcast in the foreign country you live in?

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Thats so true isn't it ?, the only snubs I've had has been from Brits living in the US, The ones that have moved to fairfield county Connecticut anyhow, they seems to be quite wealthy and don't want to be bothered chatting with other Brits especially if you're from the North :roll:, some Brits can really put on a posh accent too for the Americans, little do they know the Americans could care less, they like Brits no matter where there from.


I am going to be very racist/southernist now. I have noticed here in the States that southerner suddenly acquire a Prince Charles Brogue and when they realize their is another British person in the room they get **** off as they want to be the only one.


Personally, I am very flattered that I still have my accent and when I meet another Brit I would like to just stand at the bar (not sit) and laugh about the differences but a lot people get seem to be resentful


Anyone else noticed this?

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I was sent to Newfie from Montreal for a year by my company. Blooming expensive, couldn't get back quick anough for a walk down St. Catherine's Street. PEI is fabulous, the bridge worked out well.:)


Reason it's expensive on the Rock (Nfld) now Buck is because of all the offshore oil they're mining. It's one of only two or three provinces in Canada now that has an annual budgetary surplus. The others are Alberta (again the oil) and Saskatchewan (potash). Don't know abt Ontario and B.C. They used to be "have" provinces but they may be in the "have not" category now.


Also, of course, most goods and produce have to be shipped in to Newfie, which adds to the expense.


Labrador, which is part of the same province, is even more expensive because of its remoteness.


Glad you liked PEI. Wish it would stop raining though. We've had a very wet and cool Spring.

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Reason it's expensive on the Rock (Nfld) now Buck is because of all the offshore oil they're mining. It's one of only two or three provinces in Canada now that has an annual budgetary surplus. The others are Alberta (again the oil) and Saskatchewan (potash). Don't know abt Ontario and B.C. They used to be "have" provinces but they may be in the "have not" category now.


Also, of course, most goods and produce have to be shipped in to Newfie, which adds to the expense.


Labrador, which is part of the same province, is even more expensive because of its remoteness.


Glad you liked PEI. Wish it would stop raining though. We've had a very wet and cool Spring.

I was there in 1974. They didn't have two halfpennies to rub together and unemployment was way high. I was there to install a computer control system at a paper mill in stephenville. Joey Smallwood was the premier then and had this mill built on an old US airbase. Nothing much going for the place except the snow. you would get a real blizzard, a whiteout. It would blow in one direction all day and night, then the following day blow the same snow in the opposite direction, two blizzards for the price of one. For the high life we went to the Metropolis of Cornerbrook, which may well be the nicest town on the province. I took the oath of citizenship in Newfie, in front of a judge who, like many others, did not consider Canada any big deal, and strongly advised me to stay British. I thought being Canadian was being British until I was shuffled into a lineup at Heathrow among Americans and such, while EU citizens went ahead of us. I'll bet some ANZAC vets of WW2 would have loved that:hihi:
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We moved to0 St John's, Nf. in 1971. Stayed there 26 yrs. You're right. It is a remote and desolate spot, though there's some spectacular scenery around Corner Brook (Gros Morne) and on the East coast (terra Nova park & Avalon peninsula).


When we got there, the old guy next door said, "Oh, you're from Canada, are you?"


The plebiscite to join Canada which Joey orchestrated passed by only 1% in 1949.


Many Newfs still regret joining Canada and they have strong ties to the UK. The Union Jack was the provincial flag until some time in the late 70s.

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I sort of experienced this kind of racism when I first went to live in Sheffield.

My parents were in the forces and I was born in Germany.

We went to live in Sheffield when I was fifteen.

Of course not having a Sheffield accent and worse not having a Darnall accent made things very hard in the local area, but funnily not at school.(City Grammar)

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iv got nothing against any man any colour any creed but it says something when i lose another job because of cheep foreign labour


I havent lost a job due to cheap foriegn labour........swings n roundabouts innit?


No, and I don't know anyone that this has happened to either... Perhaps it's never happened to cleanup either? What do you reckon???

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I've lived in Florida for 17 years and usually drive up to Canada for 3 months in the summer and I've had some bad experiences by American border guards. One through my British passport at me because I pointed out to him the wording on the inside of the front cover which asks such as him to allow unhindered passage. I have a green card and don't drink or smoke so there wasn't any contraband it's just these obnoxious people who have replaced the regular ones to try and improve security.


I lived in Spain for 11 years and would go back in a shot if I was younger, I'm 82 and just can't go through the business of trying to sell up in the present economic climate so I'm stuck in bloody Florida. The Governor was CEO of a hospital group which embezzled 300 million dollars from Medicare, that's how bad it is.

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No, and I don't know anyone that this has happened to either... Perhaps it's never happened to cleanup either? What do you reckon???


I know severn dry liners whom have lost their jobs in the last two week in the building trade its rife wats your job lady star

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I live in Indonesia. A country that has an 86% Muslim population.

That's how I know all those "Muslims" stories are a load of crap.


The vast majority out here are wonderful people who literally offer a stranger the food from their table.

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