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Any answers to depression?

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Originally posted by redrobbo

Clinical depression is a serious and life-threatening illness. Having been a psychiatric social worker for many years, I am fully aware of the crippling nature of this illness. In its worst manifestation, sufferers become suicidal. Some do indeed take their own lives. Some kill themselves by involving others, e.g., by throwing themselves under a train or lorry.


I have never met anyone who brags about their depression. Too often sufferers don't talk about it because of a sense of shame or perceived stigma.


Chemical treatment (anti-depressents) does indeed help, as well as talking therapies (pyschotherapy, counselling), and also exercise and activities. The one thing to remember about clinical depression is that the sufferer is unlikely to recover and improve without medical help.

I for one wish that I'd have got help years ago but I was made to feel self indugent by adult, my parents included, they say I was 'bone idle because as a young teenager I'd shut myself in my bedroom and stay in bed for days. I'd not eat, maybe drink water or alcohol as I got older and cut my arms with a razor blade. I felt like I was the only person in the world that felt like this. I snapped out of it for a while but it has repeatedly kept coming back over the years FINALLY I have found a sympathetic doctor and I'm getting the medication I need. It has taken until the age of thiry seven to pluck up the courage to ask for help.


I don't know anyone who would brag about having depression. I believe people should take medication if it is needed rather than suffering. I wish we could get rid of the stigma, then sufferers wouldn't feel so isolated.


People wouldn't (I hope) say to anasmatic 'oh, pull yourself together and start breathing normally' Depression is an illness like any other and it's treatable!

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I take an anti depressent amytriptaline,I suffer from restless legs syndrome & they relax me.the only draw back is I never see the end of a film ,because I fall asleep,before I took this medication I was terrible in the mornings irratable & snappy & was very tired.But they work for me.

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Just a reminder that anyone going through the pain of depression can talk confidentially to the Samaritans about what they are experiencing, in a supportive non-judgemental environment:


08457 909090



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I understand what your friend is going through because i'm going through a similar thing at the moment. Just let him know that you are there for him whenever he needs you and try different ways to make him feel better, like taking him out and taking his mind off of things. Sometimes i just want to be told that everything is ok and will be fine. It's not easy and it is very hard to get out of feeling like this but things do start to look up!

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