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Lost Prophets @ 02 Academy (Plus support acts) - what did you think?


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If you went, what did you think?


Personally, the support acts were ok:


The New 1920's (I think they were called), had some good songs, but are too generic to make it big I think.


The Blackout - what egos these guys had!! Yeah, you've got a single somehwere in the charts but come'on, you're not THAT big yet... still, good eprformance and they did have a couple of tunes.


One question though - what's with the spitting?! Absolutely disgusting, and they weren't the only band up to it either.


Lost Prophets - really good. Been a few years since I've seen them, and I have to admit their new songs were a bit boring. But their old stuff, wow, as good as I remember. They didn't do an encore though... disappointing.

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I went and had a really good time!


The New 1920 were ok (I think I've seen them before) but didn't leave much of an impression.


The Blackout were great in my opinion, though I already liked the band, I agree about the egos though.


And I really enjoyed Lostprophets, they were amazing! I'd have liked them to play a few more old songs though, but I thought the new stuff sounded promising. I don't think they do encores (they didn't last time I saw them either), I think Ian said he thinks only really big famous bands that have been around for a while (he gave an example but I can't remember who he said) should do encores so they don't bother, or something like that.

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