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W.H. Shephard Steel Manufacturers - what did they do?

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I'm involved in a writing project regarding my family history so from time o time it would be helpful and appreciated if people could supply me with needed information.


My grandfather worked as a carter at a steel manufacturing Co. called W.H. Shepard. According to Kelly's 1925 it was located on Trent St in Tinsley/ Attercliffe. He drove a horse and cart, which ferried items made at Shepherds to ? I don't know. Does anybody know what that company made and what a carter might have been used for? Thanks for your help.

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  • 3 months later...

Yes, I'm familiar with what haulers did and I know my grandad had a horse and cart. He must have carted steel somethings or other either around the factory or the city. It's the somethings or other that I'd like to know abt. What did Shepherd's make? Someone may know.Thanks.

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